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Does the New Testament address tithing?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 10 2013 Mini Gary Loyd Supporter

Community answers are sorted based on votes. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is.

Mini Greg Benfield Supporter
See Matthew 23:23.
Good discussion on this topic. Many are using passages (some out of context) to propose the answer.

God owns it all (not us). We are stewards of His resources (Matthew 25:14-30). None of it is ours. Recognizing the state we are in before surrendering to Christ, that is to say...condemned (John 3:18) and recognizing what Jesus did on our behalf because of the love He had for each of us (John 3:16) we cheerfully give (2 Corinthians 9:7) not just a mere 10% tithe (Matthew 23:23) but abundantly and over a mere tithe into what is consider an offering (as the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 9 to meet needs) because it is all, in some fashion, to be used to glorify God (1 Peter 2:12) through the works (Ephesians 2:10) done by the church (the people). These works are not to gain salvation but as a result of being saved (Philippians 2:13).

September 11 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1351105009 Chuck Roae Supporter
From my understanding if scripture we are no longer under the law. The law was outward, adultery was with a person. New covenant, just look with lust in the heart. Killing was with another person. New covenant, to hate is the same. Tithing was 10%, the new covenant, what we are able to give. (Probably a lot more than 10%). My wife and I do not TITHE but we use the 10% just as a general guideline for what we share. Right or wrong in any of your thoughts is up to your judgment but EVERYWHERE we turn financially we always seem to be protected and blessed. Do as you feel led brothers and sisters but for me and my house, we choose this way.

September 11 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini A Lamb Supporter
Jesus did not come to replace the law but to fulfil it. (Mat 5:17) You will read in the book of Acts that many in the early church give all their wealth. While I believe that tithing is still a requirement today it is important to give with a happy heart. When Melchizedek received a tenth from Abraham the Leviticle law was still not establishes but yet Abraham gave a tenth. Melchizedek can be viewed as a type of Christ. Our God is a God who blesses and he wants us to tithe so He can bless us more. (Luke 6:38)

September 11 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Denver H Supporter
Perhaps this is a bit harsh, but you put your money where you mouth is - and where your money goes says everything about what matters to you in life. If you're not contributing in some capacity to God's kingdom with your money, than your actions belie your heart.

With that said, I'd look no further than passages like Mark 12:41-44 and then you have the rather Old-Testament-like story of Acts 5. Acts 4:32 gives the indication that quite like the exposition of Matthew 5, tithing is now something that's not legally required, but is an action of a believer of the heart to use his or her money to help others in need in the name of God. Recall that Lord Jesus took murder and adultery to steps further than the original law did (Looking & lusting versus committing, for example).

I'd say the Old Testament pattern of 10% is the minimum one should endeavor to give. We are to give what God calls us to give and blesses us to give. That's going to look different for each person.

And, with that, a church needs money to run. We can create strawmen all day on this front, but God created the system to work this way. There are more verses in the Bible about money than there are about prayer and faith. Don't take my word for it, research it.

September 11 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Jim New Supporter Just a follower of Jesus Christ and him only!
If you read the ENTIRE chapter of Malachi you get the whole story. Like multitudes of us, we like to take scripture out of context and use it for our own gain or purpose. Malachi was never referring to money of any kind or sorts even though many spiritually blinded preachers use this instead of trusting in God for their offerings to build their big and beautiful mega-Churches. So sad! 
Brief Summary:
 Malachi wrote the words of the Lord to God’s chosen people who had Gone Astray, ESPECIALLY THE PRIESTS who had TURNED from the Lord. Priests were not treating the SACRIFICES they were to make to God Seriously. Animals with BLEMISHES were being sacrificed even though the LAW demanded ANIMALS WITHOUT DEFECT (Deuteronomy 15:21). The men of Judah were dealing with the wives of their youth treacherously and wondering why God would NOT accept their sacrifices. But in spite of the people’s sin and turning away from God, Malachi reiterates God’s love for His people (Malachi 1:1-5) and His promises of a coming Messenger (Malachi 2:17–3:5)
Now that you know what the chapter is about, tithing was a LAW for the JEWISH people and God was not pleased with them bc of their sinful ways-their blemished sacrificial animals that God was not happy with, being unequally yoked with unbelievers. The Priests were "robbing God" bc they were dishonoring God's name by presenting blemished offerings. This has nothing to do with giving money to God. Its OT law. The Apostle paul tells us "each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver". 2nd Cor 9:7

Five Reasons Why You are Cursed for Tithing
Obeying the law has a curse upon it (Galatians 3:10)
You are fallen from grace (Galatians 5:4-6)
God doesn’t say anything about loving a dedicated giver (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Tithing makes you a slave (Galatians 5:1)
Tithing makes you weak (Romans 8:3)

September 11 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Gregory Tomlinson Supporter Minister, husband,father,grandfather,vet., college graduate
tithing is not required for salvation. Being obedient to the spirit is. Jeremiah 31 says: 33] But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
[34] And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

James asks us if we see our brother has a need and do nothing how can the love of God dwell within us. 
 I do not believe a lawful 10% of everything such as is found in the books of Law is... Or can be held to. 
Abram paid tithes to the priest of God willingly more than 420 years before the Law was given. He was credited to having a good heart towards God. 
The children of Israel were perfect in their giving when they collected to make the temple, in that they gave willingly.
Special circumstance:
If god has provided for you exactly what you need and there is none over then, why frustrate your self, God has provided, Glorify Him! I have seen those on a fixed income give continually to their hurt and the church not subsidize their lack, this was a cold indifference which should never be named among any of the saints. The people are the church and should be first.
If you have over Remember there are those that labor night and day to provide for your spiritual health, a laborer is worthy of their hire, muzzle not the ox that treads out the corn.
Reality: To have a place of worship, to reach out to the community, support missions abroad, takes money. We can not walk everywhere, we need transportation. Out reach programs cost money. 
Willful giving is what He wants, GIVING is about you and your relationship to God and obligations to help your brother as you would yourself.
God will bless you and give back press down shaken together and running over, this a fact. Many have said it well with were your treasure is there will your heart be also. 
You can't take it with you. The only thing that will follow you is your works. Lay up treasures for yourself, there is a special blessing waiting for you, He has ordained good works for you to walk into, and you may well be missing out by not giving.
Will any take the chance to hear I was hungry, or naked and you helped Me not? 
Willful giving is more about contentment with what you have, giving just to get back when you don't want to or not giving is about not being content and wanting more. Godliness with contentment is great gain and the proper perspective for prosperity

September 11 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1374958334 Ben Amanambu Supporter Engineer,estate developer, pastor,hospital chapel Abuja nig.
What the New Testament emphasizes is cheerful giving, not tithing. Legalistic obedience to God results in dead works.

September 11 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Michael Rockett Supporter
My opinion is that pastors try to keep their congregations under the law, as to earn money for their church, by not not admitting that tithing was part of the "old" program. They teach "partial" saved by grace, but still keep their congregation under the law, This is a very touchy subject for pastors because many have come to love and depend on money instead of depending on God to provide and build up their churches. It shouldn't be so important to create a mega-church as to mislead with God's word. Peter tried to proselyte and make gentiles receive the circumcision. In my opinion, this is no different.

September 11 2013 7 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20120904 29416 1q0aqvn Crystal George Supporter
Also check out 2 Corinthians where Paul tells them the importance of giving to God. Tithing itself is not something we do now as it was a tax for the Levitical priesthood but the importance of giving to God is all throughout the Bible. However God would not want this to be a stumbling block to keep her from his kingdom so my advice is to give what you can but without causing her to be bitter about it.

September 11 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini LaWanda Ross Supporter
Do you decide what you will do, when you will do it, how you will do it, where you will do it, and with whom or if others are to be involved? Probably not. Why? Because if you are like most denominations (including traditional churches of Christ) today, the decisions are made for you. Everything is planned and organized for you. You are told what, where, when, how, and with whom you will do it. The Eldership and the church organization, which definitely includes the preacher, decides when and where to meet, sets the number of times you are required to be at the appointed place, and the appointed things you are to do. It is all planned and structured for you. You occupy your place in the pew (as a spectator) at the church service and do only the things you are allowed to do. Everything must go according to schedule. 

One vital thing you are required to do is to make your proper financial contribution, meaning you drop it in the basket or plate to be used or spent by the Elders at their discretion. You turn it over to the Eldership for them to use as the Board of Directors of the corporation. After all, they manage the business of the organization, and it takes money to operate an organization. In other words, you have no voice in the matter. In fact, you most likely do not know what use is made of it, save in a general way. Think about it. You do not make the decision about the use made of your financial contribution! You have been trained to forfeit your responsibility in making your own decisions in serving the Lord. Like the Roman Catholic Church, your church will take care of you. Your role is to simply obey and pay!

In case you did not know this, your income and finances are yours. They are an extension of yourself. You are personally responsible for their use much the same as you are responsible before God for your entire life and abilities. This includes the use of your money. No where in the New Testament (Acts 2 through Revelation 22) are the terms "the Lord's money" or "the Lord's treasury" found. The money collected each Sunday is not sacred or holy money. Where does the New Testament (Acts 2 through Revelation 22) set forth any such idea as that?

Your money is yours and you are responsible to God, as an individual, for its use the same as you are for any other ability or resource you have. In the Scriptures, the early disciples understood this. They did not have a corporate treasury because there was no corporation. They did, as each one determined to do, pool their financial resources for a specific purpose. They did not contribute money into the church treasury to be used at the discretion of the organization and/or its officials. Why? Because no such treasury, organization, or officials existed!

Furthermore, there is no example in the New Testament (Acts 2 through Revelation 22) of the church giving to a general fund for general purposes. In every case the disciples knew the exact purpose for which funds were raised. They always gave to and for specific needs, and each one decided for himself if they would contribute and, if so, how much. One only has to read and study the Scriptures to know that. 

This was an individual decision on the part of each one. They contributed to a specific cause. It was designated for that purpose. The disciples, each one of them, decided what they would contribute to and how much they would contribute. This is the exercise of personal responsibility! This is what the Lord requires of us.

You alone are responsible for the decision for the use of your financial contribution in the service of Christ. Please do not give away this responsibility as you will be held accountable before God. Although it is easy to simply drop your contribution in the plate and let the organization decide its use according to the operational budget, it is a cop-out on your part! It is a shirking of responsibility. I suggest that you take a long, hard look at this practice (and all the other practices now in place) that make up the church organization. It is not from God; rather, it is from the ignorance (or greed?) of men.

Although we are not likely to stop the big church organization movement among us (the leadership is well entrenched and in control of the organizations), there is hope. That hope lies with the individual -- you and me! It has always been this way. Individuals must be awakened and aroused to the dangers of what has happened. I hope you will consider seriously, and with prayer, the things presented here. Please search the Scriptures daily to determine if things are true or not. Your eternal soul is at stake. May God bless you, one and all, with an honest and good heart to know and do His will.

On another note, neither is it Scriptural to pay your preacher for encouragement and edification.

September 11 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
First of all, when we address any question we have to have a clear definition. To discuss tithing rationally, we have to be sure that we all mean the same thing. Sometimes when a person says, "I don't believe in tithing," what another person may HEAR is, "I don't believe in giving to the church" and take offense at that statement.

 If you want to discuss tithing, first read about tithing in the Old Testament. Old Testament tithing wasn't just giving 10% of your gross income. It often had nothing to do with money, and it had a specific purpose: to support the priests (who had no land for livestock or crops) or help the poor. (Some people would be shocked that one of the tithes was to actually buy whatever your heart desired and then throw a party for the poor. Check it out.) 

I have researched this extensively to see how the early church interpreted this topic. Some of the early church fathers were adamant that Christians were not forced to give under compulsion. 

Tertullian- (Apolog. Xxxix.) (2-3rd century) observes: “Even if there does exist a sort of common fund, it is not made up of fees, as though we contracted for our worship. Each of us puts in a small amount one day a month, or whenever he pleases; but only if he pleases and if he is able, for there is no compulsion in the matter, everyone contributing of his own free will.

Irenaeus (2nd century) seems to indicate that instead of the tithe, Christians were to practice sacrificial giving. 

 I believe that only the Didache enjoined "tithing" as such. Here we may also be seeing the difference between Jewish believers, who may have tended to hold onto Jewish tradition and terminology longer, and Gentile believers. 

In any case, tithing has not been a universal doctrine of the church, even here in the U.S. If you are interested, you might want to pick up the book "In Pursuit of the Almighty's Dollar," which is about the role of money and financial issues in Protestantism. In some pre-and-early 19th century churches here in the U.S., money for the church was gained by pew rents. The better the pew you wanted, the more money you paid.. If you have read any 19th century or earlier novels, you may have encountered this practice. Then this fell out of favor as it seemed elitist....but the problem remained: how to fund the church. 

Then, in the late 19th - early 20th century, our modern idea of tithing and storehouse tithing (definition: 10% in cash given to the local church) came to the forefront. Really, you need to read the book as to how pastors were instructed to preach the Malachi message (regardless that it was being taken out of context) to their flocks to ensure financial solvency for the church. To me, this modern idea of tithing is just that: a rather recent development that's become a tradition in some churches. 

In our heart of hearts, we may really want to ask WHY the modern church needs so much money and if that money is really being well-spent for the spreading of the Gospel and the care of suffering Christians. I can affirm to you that to the world (and even to auditing CPAs) the way many churches spend their money does NOT say a lot about our Christian character. In some cases, the Church appears to the world to be only another exclusive, expensive country club. 

Now, as regards to giving, that's a completely different story. We're to give no matter what the amount as the Holy Spirit directs. If we see a brother or sister in need we're not told to give the money to the local church necessarily, but to give immediate charity. Certainly we are Biblically directed to support our pastor, but we are to use discretion and ensure that money given to the local church is used in a correct manner.

September 13 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20120401 17668 8cnybt Julian Young Supporter
I think that tithing does not line up with 2 Corinthians 8 & 9. For some giving 10% may not be sacrificial; a much higher amount might be needed. For others, giving 10% may be too high a figure - 2 Corinthians 8 talks about within means. I think it is best to ignore "tithing" and talk about new covenant giving as set out in 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 - cheerful, sacrificial, pre-determined in one's heart (in conjunction with God), generous, etc.

However, I would also say that contrary to what some others are writing on here - God blesses people who are "tithing". After all, they may be giving cheerfully, sacrificially, etc while they tithe. God sees their heart desire to follow him.

September 15 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Meshack Gachago Supporter lead-elder, educator and overseer of several ministries
Paul says those who preach the gospel should live by it.. He says those who are taught the word should share all good things with the teacher. Jesus said to those he sent out to eat what is given them where they are received, for a worker in worth his wages. Jesus had a treasurer and money in the bag. Paul was supported by Philipians and spoke a blessing to them...Phil.4:19. Elders who labour in teaching and preaching are worth double honour; that means HONOURING them financially - do not muzzle the oxen when they are treading and Paul asks is it cows that God is talking about..? To present a picture that pastors are just looking for money is to judge another's servant harshly. With some abuse from some leaders does not mean all be condemned. Why is this matter presented as if pastors are just out looking for money. Why should everyone be paid in other works and jobs except the pastors/elders etc. Is that God's will..? Though they do not labour in the word for pay, Paul asks why should we be concerned with oxen but not those who labour among us. Is that godly or fair.? If every pastor is looking for money, then let everybody stay at home, be their own pastors and teachers and finally bury themselves...ha ha ha! Even Ananias and Saphira were buried by youths..! If a pastor works and earns his own living so be it; but people will still complain that he does not visit them, he has no time for them, he is arrogant, he cares only for his work and family and not the church, so there you go, another form of clever and diabolic condemnation. If you find a genuine leader in ministry then support them as the Lord enables, with either tithe or offerings or both, but not as a law or under compulsion..!

September 12 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie Supporter Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious
Tithing is only mentioned a few times in the New Testament, generally in discourses between Jesus and various Jews as a negative that they were placing ‘tithing’ above humility and truly following God.

Luke 18:12 “I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’” 

This was part of the ‘Pharisee’s Prayer’, which was a self-promoting prayer about how ‘good’ he was, tithing, fasting, and obeying the civil law. Yet Jesus said it was not this man who would be justified, but rather the humble tax collector who acknowledged he was a sinner.

Matt 23:23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.”

The Jewish tithe was of the increase of their goods; animals, produce, oil, money, etc. Herbs and spices were one of these things, and could be weighed to determine what a tenth was. Jesus uses the example of herbs because they are something small and relatively unimportant. No one starves for lack of cumin. The Pharisees were exacting in making sure they tithed a tenth of every herb, but neglected the heart of the law. They were proud rather than humble, harsh rather than merciful, self-righteous rather than devoted to God.

The last references to the tithe in the New Testament are in Hebrews chapter 7. In Heb 7 it is described how Abraham, after winning a battle, tithed a tenth of the spoils to Melchizedek King of Salem. This chapter sets up how Melchizadek was a type of Priest-King looking forward to the fulfillment of the anti-type, the true Priest-King, Jesus Christ.

Beyond these few references in the discourses of Jesus to the Pharisees, and in Hebrews, tithing is not mentioned in the New Testament. There is a lot that can be inferred about it, however!

The New Testament shows a radically new way of looking at money and goods through a cheerful, charitable heart. Believers, as ‘children of the King’, are exempt from any taxes to support the King in Matt 17:24–27. All believers are now levites, priests in service of the church, and hence there is no ‘priestly caste’ that must be supported through tithes, as shown in I Pet 2:5-9. Various workers and missionaries of the early church, such as Paul and Priscilla and Aquila, worked to supplement any giving they received as Tent-Makers. This was unlike the Jewish Levites, who were forbidden from working. Believers are also individually ‘the temple of the Holy Spirit’ as mentioned in I Cor 3:16 and I Cor 6:16-19. Believers are also collectively the Temple, as mentioned in I Pet 2:5. Because believers are both priests and temple, under Jesus the High Priest, there is no longer a need for the tithe.

Rather than the ritual of the tithe, then, the New Testament promotes a whole life in service to God (Rom 12:1); giving that is cheerful and not by compulsion (II Cor 9:6–9); being aware and generous regarding the needy (Matt 5:42, Acts 2:44, Luke 12:33, Luke 6:38); contributing to the ministry of the church (I Tim 5:17–18); contributing in crisis like famine (I Cor 16:1–4, II Cor 8:1–3); and viewing money in general as merely an earthly tool that will eventually pass away.

August 29 2016 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20130807 12032 18udcoo Chris Button Supporter Retired Fire Captain, sinner saved by Grace
The Bible tells us to care for the widows, orphans and the poor. The church in Acts 2 gives the best example of how to do that. That being said, I've heard many pastors say that to find where your heart lies, look at your check book to see where your money is going. Apparently my heart is at Walmart quite a bit!

September 11 2013 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Chuma Emmanuel Supporter
New Testament emphasizes the law of the Spirit and freedom of the children of God! Give to God cheerfully, give also according to your ability and and give God the best! These should be the guiding principle for all Christian giving! God of the Old testament is still God. People should be allowed to pay if they so wish but not under compulsion. This is my humble opinion

September 11 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
I was given a package when I tried to come back to organized religion, at the mega church in my town. The welcome to our church cd was an audio sermon from the pastor. I had to listen to it 3 times to be sure I understood exactly what he was saying. The fact is this pastor said,"If you don't pay God your tithes, He will take it from you in the form of medical bills and car repair bills." I never went back!

September 12 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Jeff3 Jeff Hammond Supporter
Tithing is not a matter of the Law, it is a matter of Faith.

Abraham, the father of all who believe, was the first to tithe (Genesis 14:17-24). This was a response of faith to God's enablement. Jacob likewise made the same commitment of faith (Genesis 28:18-22) when setting up a pillar for God's house. All this happened 400 years before the Law Covenant given to Moses.

Under the Law of Moses there were three tithes:

1. The first 10% was to be given to God, who gave it to the Levites, Numbers 18:24. 
The Levites also had to tithe and it was called the tithe of the tithe, and it too was given to God, and God allocated it to the Priests (Aaron and his four sons), Numbers 18:25-28. The Levites had specific local responsibility, e.g. The cords, or the brazen altar, or the table of shewbread etc etc. The Priests had responsibility to minister to the whole House of God and in conducting the sacrifices (Numbers 3-4).

2. A second 10% was kept in the custody of every Israelite and this fund was used for the travel and housing costs when going to the Temple for the three obligatory feasts (Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles) and the balance they could use as they desired to rejoice before the Lord, Deuteronomy 14:22-26.

3. The third tithe was only once every three years, Deuteronomy 14:28-29 and was specifically so that God's people could feed and clothe the poor, the widows, the Levites in distress and visiting foreigners.

Although these three tithes were under the Law, they also teach some pretty good stewardship principles:

1. Support of ministry in doing God's work
2. Making sure you have finances for your spiritual journey - camps, retreats, seminars, travel costs. If families did this they wouldn't have to tell their kids they don't have any money for them to attend the Youth Camp!
3. A heart of concern for the weak and suffering - surely a very NT principle taught by the Apostle John, 1 John 3:16-18.

Did tithing go out with the New Testament?

Absolutely not!

Firstly, Jesus endorsed the continuation of tithing while condemning the hypocritical practice of the pharisees, Matthew 23:23.

Secondly, the apostle Paul confirmed the practice of the tithe and tithe of tithe in 1 Corinthians 9:9-14 by quoting from the teachings of Moses in relation to the service of the Temple. The reference, particularly 1 Corinthian 9:13 refers to the support of the Levites and Priests through the tithing system and Paul continues on in the next verse, 1 Corinthians 9:14, to say, "Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel." So Paul gives apostolic support to the tithing principle for financing ministry.
Not everything that Moses taught was the legalism of the Law which was about trying to earn one's salvation. Moses continued on tithing from Abraham. Jesus continued it and so did Paul. There is no reason for us to abandon tithing. We should be people of faith with generous spirits and willing hearts to support the ministry and spread of the Gospel.

Finally, the writer of Hebrews (I think Pauline teaching if not writing), in Hebrews 7:4-10, gives support to tithing by faith and even states that the Levites paid tithes via Abraham thus lifting tithing out of Law and into Faith!

Tithing should not be a legalistic burden. It should be an act of worship and faith from generous, giving, loving hearts. Too much teaching FOR tithing is legalistic and too much teaching AGAINST tithing is equally legalistic. Let's dump the legalism and return to the liberty of disciplined faith i.e. The faith of committed disciples of Christ.

October 07 2013 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

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