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Having been a muslim myself, I believe my experience can be of a good example to you. As a muslim, I was so argumentative, always in defense of my religion. I was so passionate about it and always ready to confront whoever did not recognize the "power" and "might" of Allah, and Muhammad is his not only a prophet but the "lead prophet". At our home, I was known to always lead the cause for Allah, say; encouraging all the rest to observe the five daily "prayer" sessions, waking them up to eat during the month of Ramadan, and encouraging them to recite the Qur'an. However, despite all this, I always fancied the way the Christian book; the Bible always laid out things, the few times that I had read it while still a Muslim, it touched me and I wished the Qur'an was also phrased like the Bible. But still, most of the times, I read the Bible only to look for those points that would help me to argue with my Christian friends. In the midst of all this confusion, one day as I was alone; a voice from no where told me in a very clear tone, "get saved". I said in myself; what could this be other than the "devil" himself saying this no sense to me. We had been taught and told that everything about Christians was infidel, and there should be nothing to admire about them, they were only "kafiri" That time past, I continued in my arguments, but the same voice came back to me as I was heading to school via but by a mosque because I was in Senior Two. Later alone, a Pastor by the name of; Joseph Serwadda of Victory Christian Center Kampala, Uganda, organized a dialogue between Muslims and Christians. My friend called Gorret asked me to attend but I refused, however, she did attend because she was/is a Born Again Christian. When she came back, she told me how Muslims had been battered by the Christians, I told her you only have to say that because you are Christian yourself. She told me to cut the story short, let me refer you to one of the dialogists; Pr. Joseph Serwadda. When I reached there, he did explain to me all the deceptions, I tried to put up some sort of resistance, at this point, I was totally in agreemnt with all he was telling me; in my own words, I confessed and accepted Jesus CHRIST as my LORD and Savior. Ever since that time, I have never regretted why accepted Jesus CHRIST to be my personal Lord and Savior. In view of all the above, I can tell you that you may say all that may want to say, and it is not bad to say it, because we can't evangelize without saying it, even me what was said to me through people being used by the Holy Spirit is what finally brought me the gift of salvation. However, it is God who saves, Jesus says in John 17, none of them that God the Father entrusted to Him can ever get lost, I was/am one of them, I am so glad that He finally set me free, and that He did not look back on whatever I said and did, He simply saved from His loving power. Every body can be. God saves all sorts of people, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Homosexuals, name it. But He (God) uses us to reach out to the lost. Just as we were, so they are, and just as we are, they can be through the loving saving power of Jesus CHRIST. Blessings from the most high. Amen
It is the Spirit that convicts people of sin. So ultimately, in a way there is nothing you can do to bring a Muslim, or anyone into a relationship with Christ. However, that being said there are a number of things you can do. Firstly, they need to hear the Truth. So share with them the Truth of the Gospel. Muslims already believe that Jesus was a real person and that he was a prophet. What they don't believe is that He was God or that He actually died on the cross. The biggest stumbling block for most Muslims is the Trinity. They view themselves as the only monotheistic religion, and so you'll really need to spend a lot of time in prayer praying that the Spirit will break down the barriers that keep them from the Truth. The second thing you can do is live out your Christianity in front of them. Often times the best witness you can have to other people is how you live your every day life. Are you being loving? You are a representation of what non-Christians will become if they come to know Christ - do you reflect Christ with your life? Thirdly, and actually the most important, is you can pray. Again, it's the Holy Spirit that convicts of sin. So you can pray that the Spirit will reveal Himself to them.
The only decision people make if they do is not to suddenly become believers on the Lord Jesus, but rather to respond by faith to the Gospel; the conviction of the Holy Spirit — God does the rest, it is by His grace anyone is saved, in response to putting our faith in Him. I would say that the best way is to pray for them. Multitudes of Muslims are coming to know Yeshua, via dreams and visions; He (Yeshua) is revealing Himself to many. God loves them just as much as He loves all men, whom He does not not want to perish, but come to repentance. Allow God to work his grace, love and conviction on them as with anyone they respond is their choice.
Its all in the heart , as the saying goes, you can take a donkey to the river but you can't make it drink. PS. By donkey I do not literally refer to any specific person. God gave us choice, either you choose to believe in God or in what ever you want to believe. In essence all I'm saying is that you cannot change a Muslim into Christianity, its up to an individual to decide.
M-Make yourself a determined apostle that have broken the bridge Behind and you don't have any choice than to represent Christ on the face of the earth. Be determined as a born again child of God and also spiritfilled to do Gods will. Romans 1:14. U-Understand their believe, weakness, conviction and the type of the spirit that rules them. As an unregenerate souls they tend to manifest that spirit. I Cor 12:7 S-Seedling and nurtured them with help of Gods word, fervent prayers and spirit led counseling Mark 16:15-18 L-Love them as Christ would have love them because they are people created by God and Christ died for them also, John 3:16 I-In case of any argument which you must expect always depend on the Holy Ghost to lead every discussion and be prayerful Thessalonians 5:17 M-Memories the scripture that will be of help to them in all situation. Study and meditate on every passage of the scripture you want to use. Ii Tim2:15 God will see us through. Amen
Give him the Good News of Christ, most important is the way one Christian live, a good example will influence the muslims to change the mind set of Living God and Jesus Christ. Mahatma Gandhi once said "I love Jesus Christ but not the Christians"
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