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Did Jesus collect tithes?

If so, where in the Bible did this happen?

Clarify Share Report Asked January 04 2014 Mini Anonymous

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

David goliath victory hg clr Jim Tumlinson

To my knowledge Jesus did not collect tithes although He did have a treasurer known as Judas. So He got money from somewhere.

If however you are asking to keep from giving tithes then that is a different subject

Many churches preach that we must tithe, however Abraham gave a tithe to the order of Melchizedek long before the law. So should we give a tithe, yes. If Abraham gave a tithe under the grace covenant the so should we, the difference is Abraham beleived God for his blessings and prosperity. If you study Genesis you will see that God continued to bless Abraham in spite of his screw ups. We too should view our covenant with God in the same fashion. We give because we get to and God will always supply what I need every time I need it and then some. When we get legalistic under tithing we actually put ourselves under the law and don't get like we think we should but in actuality we do. If we put ourselves under the law and don't give 10% plus the other we are supposed to give under the law then that is why we don't get like we read in Malachi 3. Best thing is to give and trust God to take care of you,

2 Peter 1:3 seeing that his divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue; ASV

So it's all good, just trust in Him who loves you, I do.

January 05 2014 Report

Mini frank del valle

Salvation is a free gift from Jesus with his sacrifice on the cross. It was paid for by him, through his love of his sacrifice on the cross. Neither Jesus nor his disciples ever asked for tithes every week for preaching his message, and neither should we be asking to be paid for preaching his message today as salvation is still free. It is not a free introductory offer that saves you for free, but you have to pay for it in tithes the rest of your life. Jesus said if you help others you do it for him. If you help your neighbor that is doing it for the Lord.

August 27 2024 Report

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