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Will I still be a Christian if I don't believe in, or fully understand, the Doctrine of the Trinity?


Clarify Share Report Asked March 07 2014 Mini Honzie Khong Supporter

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A6ac9128dd6f69162fac89c38e63e50f Gary Wainwright Supporter Follower of Jesus Christ, Husband, Father, Civil Engineer
There are two parts to your question – firstly ‘Will I still be a Christian without believing the Doctrine of (the) Trinity’ and secondly ‘Will I still be a Christian without fully understand(ing) the Doctrine of (the) Trinity’. 

The Doctrine of the Trinity is what distinguishes Christianity from all other religions including Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. Those people who do not believe in the trinity do not understand who God is neither do they understand His nature (God is three Persons, each Person is divine, and there is only one God). They also do not accept that Jesus Christ is God in human flesh. John 1:1-14 teaches that the incarnation of Christ is an essential component of the true gospel. A person cannot profess to be a Christian if they deny the trinity because the Doctrine of the Trinity agrees with the Bible that Jesus Christ is God. 

It is possible for a new Christian convert not to fully understand the Doctrine of the Trinity but this will change as they grow in the knowledge and wisdom of our Lord. A true conversion results when a sinner receives Jesus Christ as their Lord (God) and Saviour.

March 09 2014 3 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Johnnatta Giles Supporter Spirit Filled Christian
I grew up Baptist and never completely understood the trinity. When I did i decided not follow a Doctrine where I fully believed in Father Son Holy Spirit I really don't like Doctrines. Your are Saved Because you believe and follow God. If you never understood anything about the Bible and never was baptized or baptized in the Holy Spirit you would still be saved. The Word says that it is better for you to understand one verse out of the Bible than to understand it all. I don't encourage not studying the Bible. For it does help us to grow. But know that is not what saves you. Your mental understanding is not what saves you. It is by faith you were saved. Just faith and love in your God. That is all that Matters to Him.

I tell people all the time I have been saved since I was 6 years old I didnt start studying the Bible until I was 22. I could not understand the King James bible I had while growing up. Then I found a new translation that I understood. I know without a shadow of the doubt that if I didnt have the wisdom I have now but still and the faith and fierce love I did growing up without any knowledge of anything but my love for God I would still be saved. Don't worry about something like that. Its all about your heart.

March 07 2014 7 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini joyce whaley Supporter
Yes a person can be a Christian without fully understanding the doctrine of the trinity. Understanding of this incredible journal of salvation and how the trinity maneuvers through the earth, time and space is a growth in grace’s process. 

This is how I see it, God is so tremendous and majestic that one being could not contain who he is thus he had to divide who he is into 3 being, God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All three beings having the same rights and privileges of each other and yet having different functions along with each person being subordinate to the other without any problem. Case and point: Jesus didn’t count it robbery to be equal to God Philippians 2:6 Can I just say WHAT! Now that’s pretty awesome to me.

Now as you apply yourself to studies surrounding the trinity I guarantee that your understanding will be heightened and enlighten. And by all means it is perfectly okay to ask the Lord to REVEAL to you how each deity operates and he will. 

On the other hand I find difficult for one to be a Christian and not believe in the Trinity because the word of God states “ But without faith, no one can please God, for whoever is brought near to God must believe that he exists…” Hebrews 11:6. A part of the Lord existing means believing who he is and what he encompasses

May 02 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Andy  3 photo Andy Mangus Supporter I am a Christian since October 1979 & devoted truth seeker.
My short and to the point answer is this: The BIBLE tells us in a very simplistic way and in a very easy to comprehend style of how God wants us to have understanding of HIM! Jesus is speaking one of His most important statements as recorded in the book of Luke. (Luke 18:15-17) 'And they brought unto Him also infants, that He would touch them: but when His disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto Him, and said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God". "Verily, I say unto you, Whosever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein."

***This is my personal Salvation Testimony!***
When I was a child, I didn't understand that God is truly The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit! Years later after going to church virtually every Sunday, etc., I was attending a Christian concert and The Holy Spirit just spoke to the deepest crevices of my sinful heart; making me realize I needed to put my sudden pure realization that Jesus was calling me to put my faith IN Him at that very moment! No waiting; no delays; no excuses! He rescued me "in His perfect timing"! 

Jesus IS The very SON of GOD and OUR very Savior! He paid the ultimate price in and through His eternal sacrifice by coming down from Heaven, being born as a baby and growing up teaching others and His disciples before going to that cruel, wicked cross at Calvary for all our many sins, so that we can have eternal life. 

Simple, child-like understanding that is pure in intent is all He requires in the moment of believing IN HIM! "Come unto me as like a child..." This is a simple but direct acceptance of Him". A child has simple understanding. God didn't make it difficult to know Him nor to love Him! Simple purity of faith is very simply "child-like" belief IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST as your very Savior!

God is the triune God: He is "God, The FATHER; God, The SON; and God, the Holy SPIRIT!".!

Believing In God that He is truly God, the Father; God, the Son(JESUS CHRIST) and God, the Holy Spirit is essential in your knowing that He is Lord! Fully understanding this Triune 'God-in-three persons' is and has been a challenge for humans to mentally grasp. But such is the make-up or what is contained in having 'FAITH'. The Bible tells us that 'first we have to believe....; fully understanding comes by getting to know Him and His WORD more and more daily if possible. Seek eternal TRUTH by reading, listening, and meditating on His Holy and divine Written and Spoken WORD!

God molds and "shapes us as the Potter shapes the clay" for unto that day of redemption. Each of His children are God's master creation and "nothing can snatch them out of His hands for He is our very Redeemer and eternal Savior"!

As I like to close with my saying. "Praise God that He provided a Savior! And, His name is Jesus Christ!


April 08 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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