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I was evangelizing to an elderly lady who told me she was saved because she was born catholic.
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Jesus wants a relationship with you on a very personal level.
All "religion" has been created by man.
Jesus spoke about the creation of a "Church", a place where believers could come and be strengthened by like minded believers in fellowship and study of his word before going forth and spreading his word just as he commanded his disciples to do.
Many Churches and religions have wandered and even perverted the meaning of Christ's message to us all 2000 years ago.
Find a good Bible believing Church that studies his word in small discussion groups. His word has many interpretations, but the discussion of the Gospels will inspire you to further study through his Holy Spirit and strengthen your faith
The true Christian is one who has been Born Again of the Spirit of God. Salvation is a gift of God, not works, so that no can boast about having special privilege to salvation. It is the poor in spirit, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness that receive Gods grace for these are the ones Jesus went to to preach forgiveness of sin.
And Jews think they are all going to heaven because they are God's chosen people.
Salvation and heaven have always been dependent upon FAITH and FAITH alone--not works, not cultural heritage...just FAITH.
And there are lots of churches where people "think" they are Christians because they are ticking the boxes of works but they actually are not.
I was there for a long, long time myself.