What did Jesus mean by a "worthy person", and a "deserving house" plus "the greeting" and "peace" to dispense when the Apostles found them and are these still applicable, today?

When Jesus sent out his Apostles on a training mission,  He told them to seek "worthy persons" (verse 11), give their house a "greeting" (v 12), and if "deserving", let their "peace rest on it" (v13)!

What charateristics made those visited, worthy,  and their home deserving?  What was the form of the greeting Jesus commanded? What is the peace to which our Master referred?  

Are these things Jesus Followers should look for in others and practises to follow when we find them,  today? 

Thanks in advance for your help,  Brothers and Sisters! 

Matthew 10:11 - 13

ESV - 11 And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it and stay there until you depart. 12 As you enter the house, greet it.

Clarify Share Report Asked March 10 2014 Stringio Gary Patton Supporter

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Mini Bob Rutz Supporter Jesus loves me.
What an incredibly important question! If we can learn everything Jesus is showing us in this passage, we will KNOW how to go about winning the world for Jesus in our generation!

Then, if we are OBEDIENT to what He shows us, He will make it happen through us! So here's how He's doing it today, right now, all over the world:

This Scripture passage starts back in Matthew 9:35-38, where Jesus is observing a world identical to ours: "When He saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'"

So it all starts and continues bathed in prayer. Over the last two centuries pioneer seed-sowers and their intercessors have paid the price with their blood, martyrs literally laying down their lives in China, all over the Moslem and Buddhist and Hindu worlds, and now even in the U.S. millions of intercessors are praying our nation back into repentance before God. The result? It's now Harvest Time all over the world!

Wherever you are at now and wherever He sends you, we now have the testimony of thousands of harvesters that in answer to prayer, He can lead you to a "worthy person" (Matthew 10:11), a "man of peace" (Luke 10:6) prepared by Him to receive the Good News you are bringing!

If you Google "T4T" you can find literally thousands of illustrations of how this is working everyplace in the world through people who are being discipled (vastly more than just being converted) to OBEY Jesus from their Bible Search, learning what He says from His Word, NOT becoming dependent on a teacher giving explanations. As He becomes obedient to the Lord by duplicating this with his friends and family, the moment of conversion is left up to the Lord... and immediately the Lord comes to live in them, they want to be baptized!

All this, in answer to your prayers, is arranged by God: Preparing the "man of peace" to receive the peace you are bringing to him and his family, preparing them to receive His Word, your absolute certainty that the God Who wrote that Word is speaking to him through that Word, and the skillset He gives you to enable him to now and forever keep on learning directly from His word with zero dependence on you, will enable God to rapidly multiply not just disciples, not just house churches, but multiplying CPMs (Church Planting Movements).

I promise that as you read these amazing stories God will bless the socks off you merely by coming to KNOW He is actually doing all this today, right now, rapidly completing Our Lord's Great Commission to make the Good News of Jesus known to every people! (www.JoshuaProject.org shows only 7,200 unreached peoples who have yet to hear the Good News.)

But if you really, really want to be blessed after you come to KNOW all this, simply decide to OBEY what He shows you, starting from as little as 8 people meeting on your own front porch or in the home of a Man of Peace. (10,000 people won to Christ all over the world in just 14 months starting with 8 people discussing The Word on a front porch in Louisiana? Read about how God used my friend Curtis Sergeant to make it happen at www.metacamp.org!)

March 11 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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