Why did Jesus' own family doubt Him?

Matthew and Luke tell us that Mary and Joseph were informed by the angel Gabriel that Jesus would be the Savior of the world, "fathered" by the Holy Spirit.  Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Simeon, and Anna also received Divine revelation that Jesus was the predestined Messiah who would save the world-- not to mention the Magi (or wise men) from the East.  Given this, it is difficult for me to understand how (or why) Jesus' brothers, raised in Joseph and Mary's company, were unbelievers until after the Resurrection.  Does anybody have any insight here?  Thank you in advance for your help.  God bless.

Mark 3:21

ESV - 21 And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, "He is out of his mind.

Clarify Share Report Asked June 11 2014 Img 02092013 142045 Todd Reinhard Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Belfastfella Casper Mcconnell

This is such a good question, it goes to the heart of who we are in God's family.

Yes, several of Jesus brothers did believe, James was a disciple and Mary too.

There are interesting hints too of family jealousies, family rifts (sword) that Jesus warned us about if we follow Him.

And clear precursors of unbelief throughout the bible

-the ten spies who led the children of Israel away from God's promises on the doorstep.
-Joseph with supernatural insights, respected by his parents but hated by all but one of his brothers.
- Unbelief at every turn when great prophets are sent with great evidence
-the motive of the vineyard workers, lets kill the son and take his inheritance.

Lets be honest, have you ever doubted.... that you have been reborn into the family of God, are held in the loving arms of Father with the indwelling power to overcome the world day by day, doing greater things than Jesus ever did? Yes we are saved by the blood of Christ, but can we face the level of danger and persecution His family faced at the hands of an army more brutal than Gestapo? They must have known Jesus was on a suicide mission.

Jesus at barmitzvah: time to leave mother and childhood to join the men who walked ahead, where was Jesus? Not with step-father Joseph to be apprentice boat-builder, He followed in His real Father's work to study at Temple as a Rabbi.

If you look at the town where Joseph brought up his family, thought to be Capernaum on the shores of Lake Gallilee, there is only one building big enough to house a carpenters workshop. That building also has a big slipway into the water. There are no trees growing near there. Wood was imported from Lebanon. Fishing boats were typically 28 footers. This is a family of shipbuilders, naval architects and timber importers. And the fishermen families owned more than one boat, employed men, fed the community and were not poor.

Two years after barMitzvah Jesus was 14, the Roman army razed the whole town of Capernaum, Joseph lost home and business, all who did not flee to the hills were executed, probably Jesus and His brothers were orphaned. Cousin John left his respected family home to live in the wilderness too. (some say his high priest father gave him the cloak of Elijah which may have been kept in the Ark of the Covenant)

15 years later, Jesus still knew most of the fishing captains around the lake... but He had spent years in study of the scriptures and wore a very expensive white and blue Rabbinical robe with 24 rare colored tassles... definitely not the work clothes of a carpenter.

Jesus had 4 maybe 7 younger half-brothers Mk3 Mt12,13 Jn7 Acts1 Gal1
and more sisters also left fatherless, James followed Him, but the others who married looked after their mother Mary, in the place of Jesus the eldest who should be Head of home. There certainly seemed to be resentment every time they appear in the Gospels, urging Jesus to leave this dangerous work and come to Temple or return home, but He refused to accompany them and went on His own.

Joseph is never mentioned, any time Jesus referred to his Dad it was not with Joseph in mind. And He taught that Truth puts a sword of division between men in a family. Jesus didn't stay at home with mum, but left home to model for other men how to be a father to the fatherless Jn 17

At some point for us, maybe as parents die or we leave home it remains crucial to realize Jesus came because Father God sent Him. What was it Jesus said about showing us the Way back, to be able to do nothing except Father said so, and to be One with Father.

Jesus brothers may have been fatherless orphans. Big brother leaves them on a mission with all their local role models. Orphans who compete to win praise against brother, don't know security from Dad. Too many churches teach that we are all brothers, forgetting we are all children in Fathers Family.

We all need to know how to be like Dad and grow to be a dad to the lost and fatherless

June 17 2014 Report

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