How long did Jesus stay on earth after the resurection and why?


Clarify Share Report Asked June 21 2014 Mini peggy caudill Supporter

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Data Doreen Lovell Supporter Evangelist and Prayer Intercessor
The resurrection of the Messiah and His ascension was recorded in the Psalms. Ps..16:10 "He wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Ps. 49:15 "But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave; for he shall receive me". Ps. 68:18 "Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive; thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them".

Acts 1:3 states that Yeshua (Jesus) remained on earth for forty (40) days speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.In order to understand what He spoke about let us first look at Mark 16:9-18---Mark gave a vivid description of what Yeshua said, however; in his writings, the disciples were commissioned by Yeshua to "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. V.16 explained that faith not baptism is essential for salvation. V.17 gives the signs that shall follow those who believe (miracles performed by those who believe).

The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 28;16-20 relates the Great Commission where the triumphant, living Lord sends forth His his disciples to proclaim His gospel throughout all the world ----a pronouncement of victory by the risen Messiah through His disciples. All authority was now in the hands of Yeshua, in heaven and earth. On the basis of that power and authority the disciples were to carry our the Great Commission of the church---to teach all nations and make disciples of them and baptizing them (baptizing the first step of outward obedience to the Lord). He also promised to be with them always and this guarantees the success of the church's mission because it is His mission carried out by His disciples.

Luke 24; 44-49 gave a detailed account of Yehua's work among the disciples after His resurrection before ascending to heaven. Here Yeshua opened the eyes of the disciples in understanding that the knowledge of Him is inseperable related to the knowledge of the scriptures.

V. 44-48 Yeshua recalls that all He has undergone is according to the Scriptures, a vital point for the Jewish disciples, for whom the Old Testament was the unquestioned expression of God's mind and will. The LAW, PROPHETS and PSALMS comprise three fold Jewish division of the Old Testament.

V. 47 Relationship with Him carries the privilege and responsibility to proclaim the Gospel. Repentance being the first step in receiving the message. The preaching was to start in Jerusalem and extend to all nations.

V. 48 Those who are personally aware of His identity and saving power were entrusted with the mandate of world evangelization.
V.49 Gives the source of strength for evangelism (a) Sending of the Rauch (Holy Spirit) an integral part of God's will and (b0 being clothed in God's enablement--------God's guidance, protection and sanction.

The reason Yeshua (Jesus) remained on earth was to open the eyes of the disciples as to His Ministry; to commission the disciples to continue the work He started; to inform them of the help He would send and how and where they are to go about doing their work

June 23 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini K Capers Supporter Student of the Bible
According to Scripture (Acts 1:3), it was 40 days. It appears to me that it was done to fulfill the Scriptures which say that "GOD would raise Him from the dead after three days." So He had to be seen in order for the prophecy to come to pass, and to also continue speaking of those things pertaining to the Kingdom of GOD.

June 22 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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