How special is the name of Jesus from other names?

Why is the name of Jesus so special? What is unique about it? Why does He instruct us to pray only in His name? Is it possible to bypass Jesus and still be able to reach God?

Clarify Share Report Asked September 01 2014 9aa51e4b447252291b959c696fb96539 400x400 Jeremiah Kaaya Supporter

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Mini Ken Sartin Supporter Just a saint who loves God
How special is the name of Jesus from other names?
Why is the name of Jesus so special? What is unique about it? Why does He instruct us to pray only in His name? Is it possible to bypass Jesus and still be able to reach God?

Well lets see...Jesus, to me is the most beautiful name I know! It has such a beautiful comforting sound, so peaceful, such a loving name, and salvation is in that beautiful name, Jesus! As we read the word of God and we see the things that Jesus accomplished in his short life here on earth, all the miracles that he performed, how he was loved by his followers Peter, Mark, Luke, James, John, and everyone else. Then he made the ultimate sacrifice by being the sacrificial lamb and dying on the cross, shedding his precious blood, that blood that can wash away the most awful sins that a human can imagine and cleanse us and make us white as snow! The same blood that we have the privilege of calling on anytime we feel the need to be cleansed.Who would have thought that a lamb could rescue the souls of men!
What's special and unique about his name? First of all let's take a look some really special verses that are very important to remember, 
Joh 14:6
  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
So who else am I going to pray to?
Act 2:38    
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Now this begins the relationship with God by taking his name and being related by his name.

Acts 4 :12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

My salvation is in his name!

Act 10:43    
To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.
Act 13:26    
Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent.

Bypass Jesus and pray to God?
To me and my interpretation of the bible through reading and praying and asking for guidance, I believe that when I call on God, I'm talking to Jesus! When I call on Jesus, I'm talking to God! By the way this is biblical.

John 10:30    I and my Father are one.

John 14:6    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 14:9    Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

1Ti 2:5    For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;1Ti 2:6    Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

I could go on, and on about what the name of Jesus means to me and have the bible to back it up. To me he's my savior, my king, my life! Without him we are lost. With him and following the Apostles doctrine we can have unlimited access to his grace and mercy and most of all a chance of hearing these words: Enter in, my good and faithful servant!
Read and study your bible and ask god for guidance and he will open your heart so you too can fall in love with our savior, Jesus!

September 02 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

9aa51e4b447252291b959c696fb96539 400x400 Jeremiah Kaaya Supporter Pastor at Springs of Power Church, Teacher by professional
It is indeed true that no other name of any other person can measure up to the name of Jesus. And this is said as it is, for there are many reasons as to why the name of Jesus stands out of all, both in scripture and in the literal world. Among the reasons there are are the following:

1) The name of Jesus is the name of the Son of God
2) The name of Jesus is the name of the person who died for the remission of sins of mankind
3) The name of Jesus is the name of the only man to have ever lived without sin
4) The name of Jesus is the only name which has remained effective in performance even in the absence of the its possessor.
5) Jesus died and rose again

The name of Jesus is the name of the Son of God

It is the name of the Son of God. There are many names which are perceived to be great world over, but they are names of mere sons of men who are very vulnerable in everything. But the name of Jesus stands proven in everything and this is equally confirmed by God the Father as is stated in Matthew 3:17. There is no anywhere else, not even in scripture where God the Father Himself testifies of anybody else like He does of Jesus (Matthew 17:5), (Mark 1:11). 

The name of Jesus is the name of the person who died for the remission of sins of mankind.

When man sinned, there had only been a way to cover upon sin with the sinless blood of animals but whose glory could never measure up to the glory of man. Only Jesus offered a way to cleanse away all sin (Acts 13:38). On this account, the only way man can be forgiven and subsequently set free of sin and the devil is by acceptance and confession of the name of Jesus. As great any other name may be, there is no other name that provides any sort of spiritual comfort as does the name of Jesus. For thousands do testify how tremendously and miraculously their lives have been transformed on account of the confession of the name of Jesus. Yet any other so called great names will be as good as any other name of a little boy in terms of providing solutions for any sort of spiritual healing. The name of Jesus surely stands out of all.

The name of Jesus is the name of the only man to have ever lived without sin

The name of Jesus is the name of the only man to have ever lived without sin. Many names of great men, be it in Biblical history or in the secular world will still remain names of people who equally stand vulnerable and subject to the demands of nature. The name of Jesus stands out because it is the name of a man upon whom no one has ever had a genuinely provable accusation of any sort, even when they try, they, as expected fail (John 8:46). No one else apart from Jesus, not in Bible times, neither in this world, whether present or past, can ever stand to ask of any one if they have any accusations to make against them, yet Jesus did with much confidence. All have sinned and fallen short..., thus is written in Romans 3:23-24. Only Jesus stands out, that is why Jesus is readily acceptable of the Father.

The name of Jesus is the only name which has remained effective in performance even in the absence of its possessor.

It is the only name which remains relevant and equally effective in all people's lives even in the absence of the literal possessor of it. Many great people have lived and have died and their names can't do any more than they being literally around. The name of Jesus carries on penetrating people's hearts even when Jesus is long gone back to heaven. In the name of Jesus, people are healed, demons are cast out, situations are changed. No other name provides as much confidence.

Jesus died and rose again

The name of Jesus is the name of a man who confidently confessed His death and resurrection and it went on to so happen just as He had said (Luke 24:7-8), (Luke 9:22-23), (Mark 9:31-32). No other person has ever dared say such a a statement and only to happen as said. Muhammad, Buddha, Hitler, all died and are no more. 2000 years on, the name goes on! Amazing JESUS!

September 03 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Salem Markus Purba Supporter
It is depending on what kind of relationship one has with Jesus, but for the believers and followers of Jesus, the name of Jesus is not just an ordinary name. It means a manifestation of God's love to the world (John 3: 16-18); a Savior of God's people (Matthew 1: 21) and Immanuel- which means " God with us" (Isaiah 7: 14).

No other name we may call which has God's power in giving us the way to the Father, the truth and the life (John 14: 6), and the most special is, Jesus is our friend! (John 15: 13-17).

July 26 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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