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Shay Durham

Ranch manager, landscaper, carpenter, sinner... : )
I am of NO denomination.... That very thing became a huge stumbling block for me. If I have been granted a gift from FATHER GOD it would be discernment. In fact it may not be a gift but instead a curse... I'm only kidding! 
Discernment is like common sense on steroids... U can often see or understand WAY MORE than you even want too..... Given that fact discernment can easily get a person with good intentions into a sticky situation. 
I'm not a BIBLE thumper better than thou person..... I follow the teachings of JESUS CHRIST..... Not men or church doctrine.... 
That in some ways has made me not liked in the new age churches.... 
It's a long story .... It's a sad story.... But the TRUTH of FATHER GOD will always prevail over men who forget their places in the scope of dealing with the business of FATHER GOD.... First lesson .... It was never meant to become a BUSINESS!    Don't be a hater.... Think on it! 

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Who are the other sheep in John 10:16?

As for the question "Who are the sheep in the other pin?" No Scriptures back...

Comment 4 More Answers 1 Vote Asked May 26 2014