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Lyle Darnell

Retired Businessman - Former President/CEO of my own company
I,m a 68 year old, former businessman.  I founded a multi-million dollar corporation which is now owned and operated by my son.  I was saved in my 50's.  I have been married 49 years and have three grown children. I have been studying scripture for many years.  Long before I gave my life to Christ, as a matter of fact.  I am conservative in my views of both politics and my faith.  I approach things with logic and analysis.  Once the Holy Spirit opens your eyes, Scripture holds up under the most critical scrutiny.       

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What does God say about a soldier taking a life in war, or a policeman on the job?

There are Biblical reasons to believe that murder and self defense are viewed...

15 Comments 17 More Answers 32 Votes Asked January 12 2014