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Thomas Terral

Part time preacher of Needles church of Christ, Needles,CA
Moved to Needles, CA in 2007. Retired electrician of 36 years. Been in good fellowship with the church of Christ since 1965 when I was babtized into Christ I was 18. Never thought I would become a messenger for God until I saw the need in Needles, Ca in 2009. It was tuff at first but God has enriched me through time. I am married, blessed with three children of our own and adopted a young girl aged 14. We now have one boy and three girls. Seven grandchildren, six great grandchildren. All of our children are Christians including 6 grandchildren. I am 68 years old, my wife is 66. She has always wanted to have me to become a preacher. We met at the Northside church of Christ in 1964 at Texarkana, Arkansas. We were married in 1967 in Riverside, Ca. Made a home in Trona, Ca for 8 years, became an electrician. Moved to Fontana and worked for Kaiser Steel for 8 years. Quit because they closed the doors and shut down. Hired with SCE in 1982 and retired 20 years later. Now work part time with walmart in Bullhead City, Az. Love to work there and preach part time in Needles, Ca. We live in Mohave Valley, AZ. Lovely hot weather.

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Is it wrong to play music in a band for church worship?

Doesn't this conflict with musical instruments being used in the house of...

Revelation 22:19

19 And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Comment 6 Votes Asked June 23 2014