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Tim Maas

Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
I was raised as a Lutheran, but now consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I have been married for 37 years, and have two married children -- a son who is an attorney, and a daughter who is a mathematics teacher -- as well as a granddaughter who was born in April, 2019, and another granddaughter who was born on 17 February 2020.  I retired in 2013 after 35 years as a Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance), which is a civilian (Civil Service) career program that inspects and classifies the Army's stockpile of conventional, guided missile, and toxic chemical munitions, so that the Army has an accurate picture of the serviceability and safety of its ammunition stockpile at any given time.   

Recent Activity


What are the implications of salvation if someone believes in millions of years of creation?

Even if one believes that the six-day creation account in Genesis is to be...

3 Comments 4 Votes Asked February 01 2016


Why did Lot's daughters have children with their own father?

I would say that it was because they were in complete isolation following the...

Comment 3 More Answers 4 Votes Asked February 01 2016


Why does God delegate His work to angels?

God is, of course, omnipotent, and as such would not require any other being...

Comment 1 More Answer 3 Votes Asked January 31 2016


What is 'living life in the spirit'?

I think that Paul addresses this question specifically in Galatians 5:16-26,...

Comment 2 Votes Asked January 30 2016


How does an atheist who wants to become a Christian gain the faith to believe in God?

Your question indicates to me a sincere desire to believe. I take it that, If...

1 Comments 8 More Answers 7 Votes Asked January 30 2016


What is your personal testimony of salvation?

I was raised and confirmed (that is, received into communicant membership)...

Comment 4 More Answers 4 Votes Asked January 29 2016


Is our eternal life spent in heaven or on earth?

In my opinion, when Jesus returns in glory at the close of the present age,...

1 Comments 3 Votes Asked January 29 2016


Where was Jesus before Father God placed Him in Mary's womb?

Since Jesus is a person of the one triune God, He has always existed. And,...

Comment 5 More Answers 13 Votes Asked January 29 2016


Is it biblical for a pastor to perform a marriage for unequally yoked partners?

In 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, Paul advised Christians who were already married to...

1 Comments 2 Votes Asked January 29 2016


Who were the 12 disciples in Acts 19?

These twelve individuals were people in Ephesus who had heard the Gospel from...

Comment 1 Vote Asked January 29 2016


Why does God love orphans?

The types of people described in the verse being asked about (the oppressed,...

Comment Asked January 28 2016


What is the significance of Peter's statement: "I go a fishing" in John 21:3?

From Peter's standpoint, I have always interpreted his comment in John 21:3...

Comment 3 Votes Asked January 28 2016


Why did Israel leave the stones of Kir Haraseth intact when they fought against Moab?

As I read the chapter in question (2 Kings 3), God (speaking through the...

Comment 2 Votes Asked January 28 2016


When should we stop preaching to the same person?

Just as Christians themselves cannot come to saving faith of their own...

Comment 4 More Answers 8 Votes Asked January 28 2016


How do we make sense of laws given to Israel that seem unjust, harsh and sometimes contradictory to other things God has said?

I think that the key to this particular issue lies in verse 4, which speaks...

Comment 2 Votes Asked January 28 2016