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stefan verberkt

Truth seeker / Conspiracy Researcher
In the first 12 years of my life I lived godless, mostly because my mother raised me godless, I attended public school, so learning about God wasn't in the curriculum. 

Around 12/13 years I began to rebel, not just to my parents or authority, but to God as well. I began to practice witchcraft and did so until someone led me to Christ in 2014. 

The first church I frequently attended was protestant I guess? After a theological argument, I left the church, in search for a "better" one. Until now I attended several other churches from other denominations, but in the end I concluded they weren't christian churches. Every time I came across something that happened within the service of the church that was not in line with the bible, I told the preacher and others about my findings. And every single time they refuse to take a look at the proof, wave it off like it is nothing or worse; became hostile towards me. Especially that last part made me realize that satan has infiltrated the "mainstream" churches.

For example: I tried to warn the people's of the churches about christmass, that it isn't a christian holy day but a pagan one, the romans before they converted to catholicism celebrated the 25th of december, even in witchcraft 25th of december is a holy day (Yule), so why are christians celebrating pagan holy days with joy?

Easter is a babylonian holy day named after the babylonian pagan godess ishtar. Not to confuse this with passover that is around the same time. (In dutch it is even more confusing because easter is called pasen and passover is called pascha)

Even naming our days is blasphemy! You know why God ordered us to number our days? So that we can observe time and the appointed set-appart days, the REAL holy days like Feast of first fruits, Feast of unleavened bread etc. 

And every time you name a day, you - consciously or unconsciously - revere or pay hommage to pagan gods;

monday - moon
tuesday - tyr pagan god of war
wednesday - wodan / odin pagan alfather
thursday - thor pagan god of thunder
friday - frigga or freya pagan godess of love and fertility
saturday - saturn roman pagan god of time and agriculture
sunday - sun <----- sun worship day NOT THE SABBATH DAY


The symbol J is 500 years old! How is that relevant you might ask? Our saviour. Jesus is not His real name, it isn't even a transliteration of the real name.

Jesus is transliterated from 3 greek symbols, the chi (X) the Xi (a weird letter looking like a snake) and the sigma (S)

Together they form: Christos ΧΡΙΣΤΟS.


In revelation 13:18 states:" Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

This is sort of mistranslated, i say sort of because it hits the mark for 50%

Yes the number of the beast is 666, but it is not written as 666 but as 3 other symbols, as chi xi sigma.

Every symbol in the greek alphabet is numbered, same as hebrew.

Alpha = 1 Omega = 900
Alef = 1 Tav = 400

so the numerical value of chi is 600, xi is 60 and sigma is 6. Basicly the name Jesus equals 666, so that can't be the name of the Son, period!

The name of the Son isn't that hard to find, let me show you!

First of all; give the highest praise to the Father, Halleluyah!

There.... you now know the name of the Father. Eh.... you missed it? Let me spell it out for you:

Hallelu YAH ---> YAHUAH the Father

Yahushua Hamashiach --> the son, the name literally means Yah's salvation - the messiah.

Why is this important you might ask? Read Acts 4:12

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

So is it wise to use the name Jesus in worship? No
Do you call upon the Son if you use a wrong name? No
Do you worship the Son if you can't call upon him? No
If you can't call upon him and calling him by the wrong name, do you really have faith in the Son? Most likely not unless you repent from it and start using the real name and pray for forgiveness.
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