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Gwen Wilder

Born Again Believer
I have been saved for over 35 years.  It has been quite a journey. I am Baptized by water and the Holy Spirit.  I am full Gospel, no chasers. I believe in word upon word, precept upon precept.  I also believe that the Bible is quite capable of policing itself so all of the various commentaries are not necessary.  I only own a KJV Bible and have never studied using any other book.  I think I can hold my own in any civil discussion about God and His holy word. The Holy Spirit has been my only teacher for my entire walk with Him leading and guiding me in all Truth. I Love Bible study and open discussion as long as no one wants to argue.  I prefer to agree to disagree.  I have 3 grown, gone, and on their own sons, and 9 grandchildren-5 boys and 4 girls.  I am a retired nurse, and an unpublished author.  I have written 3 books, all non-fiction and based on my life journey.

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Why are women forbidden to lead men?

Why are women forbidden to be pastors and teachers in the church over men?

Comment 12 Votes Asked August 13 2014