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Claude Millette

Accept Jesus in 1992!
So much to say!But for now let just say that minutes away from Ending my Life in a Jail Cell.I heard a Voice (Ask for a Bible)I Kept Banging my Head on The Wall.Again I Heard(Ask for a Bible)Blood All Over The Guards were Coming with a Helmet and Straight Jacket.The 3rd Time The Voice was so Loud(Ask for a Bible!)So I Stop as the Guard enter To Strap Me.I ask for a Bible.They Walk away I could hear one of the Guard saying Millette really did Bang his head to hard cause is asking for a Bible.I started Reading Matthew,Marc,Luc and while I was Reading John I Felt this Overwhelming Joy.I kept Jumping on my bedYelling I Love You all.That was in April of 1992.

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