What does God say to do with anger over attacks from terrorism? Are we to sit and watch it happen?

Is anger justified? Should we sit by and just watch it happen? Is there something we can/should do?

Psalms 10:17 - 18

NKJV - 17 LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear. 18 To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more.

Clarify Share Report Asked February 23 2015 Mini Steve Hill Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Julian Pechacek

Was Christ served?
We eventually pursued and killed the 9-11 attacker, but not before returning evil for evil by killing millions who were not responsible. We should have turned to God for consul before acting so quickly. Thousands of our soldiers died and hundreds of thousands returned home mutilated. We suffered substantial economic loss. We destroyed others and ourselves in a quest for blood and justice. As an American who ignores propaganda and finds truth, I don't feel that justice has been served. As a believer in Christ, I say that Christ was not served. What testimony did we make to the world?

March 05 2015 Report

David 2011 David Robinson

First off, I completely support your right to your opinion and your right to express it even though I passionately disagree. There is not nearly enough room here to dispel every distortion you have made in your statement. The leftist blogs from which you "find truth" spew little facts and lots of hate and venomous propaganda masquerading as truth.

We killed "millions who were not responsible?' Really? How may I verify that claim? "Hundreds of thousands returned home mutilated?" The actual figure is obscene to be sure, but it is no where near your inflated numbers. The official number from the pentagon is just over 32 thousand. Hyperbole presented as fact does not serve Christ well either.

As to your last question, what testimony do you think we will make under Sharia law? If your mind set prevails that's where we're headed.

April 02 2015 Report

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