Why should I not commit suicide?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Pat Barbee

The desire to die can have many origins. Escaping depression, pain, loneliness are not the same as someone who simply wants to go to heaven now. Is that sin? Why? Wouldn't God welcome one of His children so ready to go home?

November 24 2013 Report

Stringio Colin Wong

Hi Pat. You have a good point. Why not just go to heaven quick and be with God? To answer this, you have to first ask yourself this question: what is the purpose of your life here on earth? And perhaps go even further back. What was God's purpose for Adam and Eve here on earth? Why not create Adam and Eve and just have them be with Him in heaven, and skip the entire history of mankind?

November 25 2013 Report

Mini Brian Ansell

I think we should thank god for our successes never blame God for our failures. We are expected to control what we do with our lives but for some reason we are not meant to control the end of our own life. god wants us to lead a good life what should someone do if they can find no good in thier life??

November 25 2013 Report

Mini Debbi Fisher

I am a Christian, since 1988. I've made choices because of a broken heart and so much responsibility after the loss of my husband and raising 6 children. I needed to read these responses to the question about committing suicide. I had forgotten the very reason I'm still here. I made a terrible choice, a mistake on an on line dating site. It has lead to harsh repercussions, so bad that I wanted to leave this all behind...go home, see Heaven. Be in Heaven. One mistake labeled my life.
Again, I say thank you for your answers on here, it reminded me of who I am in Christ- an overcomer! Amen

May 03 2014 Report

Stringio Lloyd Davidson

Suicide in all it's guises is nothing more than a terribly permanent solution to a temporary problem. You may think that "nobody loves me, or they would all be better off if I was gone. I was a cop for thirty years and I can tell you that no matter who you are, somebody loves you. I've seen first hand the terrible pain and anguish that a suicide brings to friends and family. Even the worst of criminals and people that society rejects has someone who loves him.
There was once a king who was very uncomfortable in social situations because he could never think of what to say. He told his wise men to come up with something that would be appropriate in all situations. They finally decided on "And this too shall pass away." That is very true. No matter how bleak things look it's only temporary. Even when we are on top of the world, we well know it's a situation that will not last because we live in a cursed and fallen world. God has provided an out for us with the death of his only son, so that none need visit the depths of despair if we just keep that great sacrifice in the forefront of all our thoughts. The only way we can do that is to make scripture reading and prayer a part of EVERY day. When we feel like it least is when we need it most.

May 03 2014 Report

Mini Robert Leclair

Debbi - I am happy that God has spoken to you in this hard time in your life! Remember that you are never alone, God is always with us, guiding us and protecting us. Everyone makes mistakes! They build character! Trust God to do a mighty work in your life, stay close to Him and remember who you belong to! May God bless you!

May 03 2014 Report

Data Sarah Winn

I dealt with suicidal thoughts in the years of recovery from a brain injury that happened in 99. Sometimes, suicide is an option that our physical brains think about when faced with a bad situation. Suicide is an option that your brain thinks of first because your physical body wants to escape what is going on.
When I first had these thoughts, I had lost the ability to 'filter' between the normal thoughts and brain injury thoughts. I thought that if in my situation if I were to kill myself, it would transport me back to the life I had before I was injured.
But this was brain damaged thoughts and I was able to distinguish between the two.
So as time went by, I was able to rationalize between a crazy, odd thought and an obscure brain damaged thought. At one time, I thought I was demon possessed but in reading the Bible, I was able to distinguish between thoughts of God and thoughts that were just physical. I was able to put my brain injured thoughts against what the bible said. John 14:19b I live so you also shall live. I understand completely what it feels like.

May 04 2014 Report

Mini Debbi Fisher

Thank you very much for encouragement.

May 04 2014 Report

Stringio Gregory Karris

I'm sorry but I'm a person with bipolar disorder. I was born in 1955. Jesus saved me in May of 1989. I was diagnosed when I was 19 years old. I have had suicide attempts before I was saved and after. People with mental disorders often find it difficult to think clearly. They can be delusional and paranoid thus not being of sound mind. Only Jesus knows exactly what we're going through. If I had died only Jesus can decide my fate.

May 04 2014 Report

Mini Robert Leclair

Gregory I sympathize with you. I suffer from severe depression and like you have had the same roller coaster ride of a life, before Christ, and after. But God ... in His awesome wisdom and kindness has saved us both from this dark chaotic maze! In my experience my friend I have found that more than anything the medication was creating more of a problem than the original problem! Not to minimize the disorder by any means mind you, I still get bouts of depression, and when I do I read the book of Psalms voraciously. In your case, ask God for wisdom to find what will be best for you. But investigate the medication side. At first I was diagnosed as bipolar and they put me on Abilify, but for me it was no good, because I am not bipolar. Many don't understand us, but God does!

May 04 2014 Report

Mini Robert Leclair

All praise and Glory be to God!

May 04 2014 Report

Mini Roberto Gomes

I don't believe one goes to hell if they commit suicide. The argument is that the person can't ask for forgiveness. We all sin everyday and many times a day, our hearts thoughts are not pure every second of every day but we don't sit down at the end of every day and repent for everything, we can't even remember every sin or are aware of every sin, but we still claim we going to heaven.

This is true because Jesus' work on the cross was complete and perfect, forgiving every past, present and future sin. So the person who commits suicide was already forgiven at the cross as long as the person is a Christ follower. Please understand i am not supporting suicide but when loved ones hear this untrue doctrine it can cause them to fall away from the faith. God can help anyone but lets be there for those who need help, we are His vessels. God bless everyone

May 05 2014 Report

Mini Denise Hairy

Pain, misery, desperation, hopelessness.

These are feelings. Feelings are symptoms. Feelings are not based on Biblical, eternal truths.

Consider a triangle. Label the three sides of the triangle as follows:

Label the center of the triangle:

Below the triangle, answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
What are my thoughts?
What are my behaviors?
What are my feelings?
What is the event that preceded these thoughts, feelings and behaviors?

When a person considers suicide, her THOUGHTS may include
wanting to hurt herself
wanting to punish others
wanting to put an end to her misery and/or the misery of others
she's hopeless, helpless, alone

When a person considers suicide, her BEHAVIORS may include
withdrawal from work, family, and contact from people in general
seeking assistance in the wrong places
promiscuous sexual activity
placing self in dangerous, unsafe situations

When considering suicide, this same person's FEELINGS may include

Should this person consider this triangle and write one out, she may be able to CHANGE her FEELINGS by changing

For instance, rather than isolate herself she could go out for a walk or go to church. She can make a phone call to someone who has been a life-giving influence in the past. It doesn't have to be a life changing, earth shattering behavior. Just a small change in the behavior. Or a series of small changes.

By changing her BEHAVIOR and/or her THOUGHTS, her feelings will change.

I learned this trick a few years back and I use it when I get down or when I am anxious. I write down my thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Then I ask, what can I do differently? How can I perceive the event differently? How can I behave differently. By adapting behaviors and thoughts, the feelings change.

Consider memorizing scripture; it's free and it's a good thing to do. Psalm 103 is a good one when feeling down - you start by telling your soul "Bless the Lord." I can't bless the Lord and feel suicidal at the same time.

Consider an aerobic activity for a defined period of time on a regular schedule. Having an aerobic activity for 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week requires attention and discipline. It takes my mind off of troubles and generates 'feel good' chemicals in my body. It's a good behavior so I feel good doing it.

For those of us who read this and know someone who is suicidal, but it isn't you, please, be patient with the person suffering. Do some research on self-help and role-model self-help behaviors. Consider giving the gift of an exercise class for two - and go to class with the person.
I encourage you to hold off on threatening a suicidal person with Hell.
While the Bibles I've read do say 'thou shall not murder", they also say "thou shall not bear false witness" and "thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain". To condemn a person to Hell for breaking one commandment is also saying there is no salvation in Jesus for anyone who has broken one commandment. The Bible does not say "the sin of suicide reaps an eternal damnation in hell". I'm not saying a person who commits suicide will go to Hell; I'm saying I'm not the one to decide that matter.

I knew a man who committed suicide. For four years, I prayed with him and worshiped with him at church. I knew his children were in full-time ministry and his grandchildren served the Lord. One day, he ended his life with a gunshot. I didn't know what became of his eternal state. I didn't stand in front of his widow to tell her her husband went to Hell because of his last act in this world. I didn't know that. Only God knew and the man as well.

If one person is condemned to hell because of one sin, the death of Jesus may be of no effect because we all have sinned.

May 23 2014 Report

Stringio Gregory Karris

Several times throughout the years I was told that I had a lack of faith because I continued to take Lithium for bipolar disorder. Needless to say Shortly thereafter I became suicidal and was hospitalized. Throughout the years I have always loved God and demonstrated a good amount of faith. God enabled me to hold positions in the church as a Sunday School Teacher, a deacon, counsellor at a Billy Graham Crusade and have preached from a pulpit. Currently God has blessed me with a jail ministry that I have held for almost 2 years. I praise God for working in me and through me for His glory and purpose. Unless I clearly hear God's voice as one of his sheep to no longer take Lithium, i will continue to take it as prescribed.I have yet to have a major relapse or suicide attempt while taking my medication. The best thing one can do for one who is mentally or physically I'll is to pray, pray, and pray.I thank Jesus for James 5:16. Love in Christ,GK

May 23 2014 Report

Mini Robert Leclair

Amen Gregory -
Fight the good fight! Do the work of God regardless of the burdens laid upon us!
I am in your same shoes, and yet fight on! Onward Christian soldiers!

May 25 2014 Report

Stringio Gregory Karris

Thank you brother RL for your wisdom, encouragement, and prayers. But David found strength in The Lord his God. 1Samuel 30:6 .......Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua1:9.......I have found strength in The Lord also. Love in Christ GK

May 25 2014 Report

Ed3 Felicia Nicholas

Some circumstances aren't so simple to explain.

My heart goes out to those such as the young woman in recent news, the one who was terminally ill and choose to set her passing date in the midst of the controversial Death-with-dignity Act.

Cases like this are hard for Christians to empathize with when we haven't been in the same position, like suffering in pain from a brain cancer.

It's hard for some of us to speak and explain to the word that suicide is not the "right way to go" without looking like we are stating the person wasn't saved, so that is their fault that they suffer.

December 13 2014 Report

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