What is the meaning of the two horns in Revelation 13:11?


Revelation 13:11

NASB - 11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.

Clarify Share Report Asked August 01 2016 Mini vanessa pannuti Supporter

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Mini Robert Brennan

The second, two horned beast is the United States, who will modifty/abolish 1st Amendment. The powerful, 2 horned US will help the first beast (Roman Church) enforce and police Sunday "blue laws" so the "Mark" (mandated Sunday religion) will be in effect for the future Universialist/Christian-influenced false world religion.

The "Mark," is a metaphor for the 1st Beast (Catholic Church), and their "Mark" was changing the Sabbath from Saturday (Jewish and early, pre-Roman Church for1st 500 years of Christianity) to Sunday. All who do not worship on Sunday are persecuted, shut out of cashless, new society. Goods and services no longer operate on cash economy, but by chip, credit card, smart phone, etc... All currencies and transactions can be shut down/tracked in cashless world economy we are rapidly approaching.

Incredible deception and fantastic signs and wonders as in Revelation, from false prophets who may claim to be prophets, or even religious figures (Christ, Buddha, Muhammad) will convince masses and usher in Universal church under the Pope. People may even get dreams or visions of relatives (really necromancy as mentioned in Deuteronomy, as these are demonic spirits in disguise) telling them to go along with false miracles and 1 world church under a Pope.

January 01 2019 Report

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