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Matthew 11:27
NIV - 27 All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.
I can only speak to my own experience. Born and raised Jewish, I eventually came to faith in Christ. Several years later, after trying to witness to my Jewish family, I asked God in my quiet time, why, among generations of Jews, was I the only one to truly see Jesus as the Messiah? He took me directly to His word, of course, directing me to 2 Cor 3:12-17, which reads, "Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech – unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because THE VEIL IS TAKEN AWAY IN CHRIST. But their minds were blinded. But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away." He essentially helped me to understand that when I sought to know the truth about who Jesus really was, and upon following the direction of the Holy Spirit to read the book of Matthew, written to the Jews, I saw CLEARLY the truth of Jesus' identity as Messiah, and accepted Him as my Savior. This verse confirmed and the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that when I accepted Jesus, my veil was removed.
Interestingly, John15:16 also says that we did not choose Him, but He chose us, and Eph 1:4 says He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world. I don't fully understand but believe it.
Praise God. Did you have someone talk to you about Jesus or did God do the entire experience on His own? I just wonder since I had God alone, but I witness to Jews and Catholics alot about relationship versus religion. I hope that God gives you strength in not being understood by your family or even disowned and great fruitfulness for the kingdom and His gospel.
Bless you! Terry
The old testament taught that no one can enter the presence of God and live. Jesus' statement teaches me that he had to protect he who is accepted in Him.
William, I believe that passage is referring to being able to physically see/be in His presence until eternity.