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How should a Christian view global warming?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Doug White

This discussion on Global Warming is well thought out and fair for a not scientist (assuming the author is not one but sought support from those that do study the topic). People sometimes confuse "Global Warming" with "Man-Made Global Warming". The former is without a doubt a measurable fact, along with Global Cooling. The earth has gone through many cycles of warming and cooling over our written history. This most often "is" caused by nature (God's nature) in the way of sun spots and volcanos spewing particles and CO2 into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, Man-Made Global Warming is a topic that "could" happen but the biggest concern I have is the number of acedemics and those that want to change our fundamental way of live (government and freedom) to that of a totalitarian state of control and global government. Al Gore made a fortune on books and the topic with one purpose--to change our way of life and make a fortune in the process through is promotions and "Carbon Futures".
Doug White

March 08 2014 Report

Stringio Stanley Zantarski

There is the Christian church as the body of believers and the institutional Christian Church. Problems occur when the institutional Christian Church tries to lead in areas that God didn't appoint them to lead in. I know for certain that man didn't create science, but God did. Man merely discovers laws and realities that God put in place.

Just because someone can find an expert who agrees with your particular theory on things, doesn't make you or me an expert on it. Right? Can we not find brilliant men who can make a totally false case seem real for almost any situation?

The church needs to defer to the majority of scientists on this issue, simply because it is science, and also because it is what God has purposed for them. I tell you with all the earnestness I possess that the church sounds exactly like they did hundreds of years ago when they refused to believe the earth goes around the sun and not vice versa. They are taking an adversarial position to science, yet God created science, and these scientists deserve honor and respect for their work as does the church in matters of morality and spirituality.

January 17 2015 Report

Mini nick bath

This is far and away the best discussion of the supposed relationship between the small increase in global temperatures in the past 100 years and causation by human activity. The excellent reference links are also appreciated. It is interesting that this issue is promoted by the opinions of political zealots, not scientific fact or even common sense and as such, will continue to have massive effects on all world economies, thus on people.

From the Christian viewpoint, one can predict that the politico-economic result will be a significant redistribution of wealth from rich countries to poor, and as such, is in accordance with Jesus’ teaching. However the same corrupt, dictatorial governments to benefit steal all the wealth for the elite 3-5% in power, leaving the people who are the "least of these" even poorer and often persecuted. Thus Jesus' message to the wealthy: "sell all your possessions and follow me" Mt 19:21 is not only negated, the opposite result is enabled.

I have never understood why today's Christians and their leaders do not become more involved in today’s politics when the results cause unnecessary suffering and persecution. Jesus as fully human preached against the Temple Pharisees who likewise were hypocritical in their giving and praying (loudly), and other Temple actions that oppressed the small wealth of the poor. In fact Jesus’s action turning over the table was a proximate reason for his being arrested and charged by his enemies who were in fact the Temple Jews in charge.

Although this response may seem only a polemic against the excesses of the climate change zealots, Jesus rebelled against some excessive actions of the Temple leaders with his words and deeds. Why are Christians not taking a similar leadership role more forcefully in today’s broken world?

One answer to this and other actions by man however is that God is in charge, a message seen over and over in the Bible.

March 31 2016 Report

Mini Jim Rollenhagen

Emo is spot on. Global warming/climate change has little to do with global warming/climate change. This is all about money and power.

January 15 2018 Report

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