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What does it mean when it says we shall fill our houses with spoil?

What does these three verse mean? What does it mean when it says we shall fill our houses with spoil?

Proverbs 1:12 - 14

ESV - 12 Like Sheol let us swallow them alive, and whole, like those who go down to the pit. 13 We shall find all precious goods, we shall fill our houses with plunder.

Clarify Share Report Asked October 15 2019 Mini Anonymous

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Mini Tim Maas Supporter Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army
Solomon was writing Proverbs as a guide to the young, to keep them from turning into ungodly people by imparting his wisdom to them.

The type of ungodly people that he had in mind were those such as described in the verse cited in the question, who would plot among themselves to plunder (that is, rob) unsuspecting people by lying in wait for them, ambushing them, and seizing all their valuables and possessions, just as thoroughly as the grave "swallows up" people when they die.

They would then regard the items that they had wrongfully acquired as spoil (that is, loot or booty) that they could use as their own wealth or property, to fill their own houses with.

October 16 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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