Do Baptists not believe in healing, that GOD does not heal today?


Clarify Share Report Asked December 30 2022 Mini Anonymous

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Mini Jeremy Volland Supporter
The term Baptist encompasses a lot of people and denominations with a wide range of beliefs. Whether a Baptist believes in healing will depend on which Baptist you ask. 

Personally, I am a Southern Baptist, and we believe in church autonomy, so all I can speak for is myself and the congregation I am a part of. We believe in healing. We believe that healing is not automatic and sometimes it is the will of God not to heal. We also believe that God heals both though natural means (the body’s built-in healing mechanisms and the work of doctors) and supranatural means (miracles), depending on His will in the matter.

January 21 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Dr. IGHATO Chophi Supporter
Baptists believe in healing and God does heal even now. I, as a Baptist, personally believe that Our God is the God of Miracles, and He does not change. So, even now healing happens through the divine power. If Christ and His disciples performed miracle healing, why not now? Yet, it is according to His own will and purpose, and we we have no right to question God.

May 03 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Justin Hale Supporter
Christians remain in a state described in the Bible as 'childhood' during which we appear to be divided and 'tossed to and fro by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming...' (Ephesians 4:14).

That sounds pretty bad, but it is actually what GOD intended for us to experience, much like an adult parent recognizes that their children have to learn by experience and 'grow up' by facing some difficult lessons. Maturity isn't instantaneous. It is a process.

Similarly, each of the recognized 'sects' of genuine Christians, (those who have received the Holy Spirit), have their own unique focus as they 'grow up.' Baptists, for example, are extremely focused on maintaining peace and order out of obedience to this scripture:

"...for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints." (1 Corinthians 14:33). 

They do not permit the exercising of the 'spiritual gifts' mentioned throughout the New Testament within their assemblies and believe that this was a special dispensation granted only to the early Christian believers as the Holy Bible was being delivered to them and completed by the prophets of GOD. The benefit of this doctrine is that it also prevents any 'confusion' within the assemblies. It is 'safe.'

The downside appears to be that they must rely upon the secular world for help with physical healing, psychological health, economic or social justice and protection from evil. They have chosen to believe that GOD works through unbelievers to 'assist' them but that limited contact with them is ideal.

Of course, this can cause tremendous confusion among Christians who must also obey the command to avoid being 'unequally yoked' with the children of darkness, (2 Corinthians 6:14). Are we having 'faith' in Christ or in 'science?' Since scripture directly states that Christ is the traceable Origin of ALL knowledge and wisdom, (Colossians 2:2-4), does this mean that 'science' originates with Him and we should all become 'scientists?'

As you can probably see, this creates a lot of those 'to and fro' waves. Yet, there remains the benefit of having a 'stable' set of beliefs and doctrines that do, in fact, obey some of Christ's commands. 

By contrast, we can look at the 'Pentecostals' who hold the opposite viewpoint, openly exercising the spiritual gifts within their assemblies and believing that without them we cannot 'fight the good fight' of faith, (1 Timothy 1:18).

We are told not to 'quench the Spirit' or 'despise prophecies,' (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20), and to boldly and courageously 'test the spirits,' (1 John 4:1-3), as their gifts emerge among us. Satan certainly hasn't 'stifled the gifts' among his own, producing artists, writers, thinkers, scientists, musicians, etc...so how exactly do the people of GOD 'fight back?'

The answer, (as always), lies in what Jesus called the 'narrow gate and narrow path' in between, (Matthew 7:13-14). In order to form a 'sect' we must walk past this Gate and its Path, who Jesus tells us is actually Himself. He doesn't 'make sense' to us because He appears to contradict Himself.

How can both Baptists and Pentecostals, (for example), be right and both be genuine Christians? In fact, we can ask this question in 40,000 different ways for every 'sect' of Christianity, finding groups representing literally every conceivable 'side' and 'facet' of obedience to Christ.

Christ Jesus resolves EVERY one of these seeming contradictions on His 'narrow path.' 


Our knowledge of holy scripture can be so profoundly strong that we no longer need to fear 'false prophets' exercising forbidden gifts inside of our assemblies and creating 'confusion.' So the extreme focus on scripture is a vital function provided by the Baptists, while the openness to exercising the gifts of the 'arrabon' (the promised 'security deposit' of holy experiences giving us a taste of the 'world to come'), remains important.

December 31 2022 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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