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Does a person have to attend church to go to heaven?


Clarify (2) Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Kalkidan Betremariam

What will you do if your confused about your faith?

June 16 2014 Report

Mini James Kraft

Do you believe that Jesus was the sinless son of God, lived a perfect life, died on the cross and shed his blood for your sins, and rose again the third day? If you do you are saved. Tell God you are so thankfull for paying the price for all your sin. Past, present, and future. You are now a sinner saved by Gods grace.

The minute you trusted Him Jesus in spirit came into your life and said I will never leave you or forsake you. You are my child no matter what happens. You are still a sinner but a saved one. It is now His work in you that is saving you everyday. Keep your faith in Him alone. His grace is now sufficient for all your sins.

Now that God has saved you by faith in His son, You should love Him for what He has done. You should want to obey Him because of what He has done for you. But you will still fall short of Gods righteousness and sin in this life. But when you trusted Him He gave you His perfect righteousness in place of your unrighteousness. Pretty good trade. Christ died for the ungodly. That is you and me. When we sin we should go to the Lord and confess it. He already knows all about it, but He wants to hear it from you, and He has already forgiven you.

Many will tell you that you need to do something else to be saved but it is a lie. We do learn to love God and people because what He has already done for us.

Jesus said that once you have trusted Him alone by faith that no man can pluck you out of his hand.

I hope this helps.

July 23 2015 Report

Mini Doris Easter

I believe that Jesus said "where two or more or gathered in my name, there am I also" so if He is there with those two or more who are gathered, then I would think that would constitute the same as "being in church"!

January 06 2016 Report

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