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Will we remember our earthly lives when we are in heaven?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Isaiah 65:17 tells us, "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." Some interpret Isaiah 65:17 as saying that we will have no me...

July 01 2013 16 responses Vote Up Share Report

1379429822 Wendy De Leon Supporter
Well like my Bishop use to say, who cares if we remember things or not!! We are going to be rejoicing!! No more pain, no more death, no more suffering etc. etc. :)

October 23 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Hosting svg bible festival 2013 Michael Peters Supporter Coordinator SVG Gospel Fest Committee
My opinion is that we will have some memory of our earthly lives. How else would we truly appreciate heaven if we have nothing to compare it to!

October 29 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Belfastfella Casper Mcconnell Supporter Casper the Irish
Yes of course we will remember, why else are we asked to walk so carefully and confess all our sin as God brings them to awareness? If we have unrepentant hearts we will not grow, if we have unconfessed sin not brought under the blood of Christ then we will carry them to the judgement seat to be accounted for. Imagine a recording microphone strapped to your ear. Everything you do and everything you say is being recorded.

First thing we as Christians will do when we die is go before the Beamis Seat when the books will be opened, and any stubbornly repeated sin not brought to the cross and wiped out will be read out. And every moment of trusting, each faith choice we make each day to live in the Kingdom is also recorded.

Don't forget that there is a bunch of loved ones now in Heaven who are being embarrassed by some things we do and say, cheering and throwing parties when we act as overcomers by faith choices made while we remember that we are actually walking in the Kingdom light of our Father's love.

Why else does it really matter, since we are all going to be with Him? Because at our presentation to the heavenly hosts, we are rewarded for our faithfulness. Every act and thought of trust will not only be remembered, it is being recorded and will be read out at our reckoning. 

What rewards? Crowns of responsibility in the Kingdom. Faithful servants now will be asked to work with varying degrees of intimacy and authority with Christ in the future. Where? When He returns to this Earth to reign on the Throne of David. Yes, for at least the first thousand years of Heaven we will reign with Christ here on this earth. That is, those of us with at least one crown. 

What about those who have never lived through danger and difficulty by trust rather than leaning to our own strength and understanding. All those saved people who do trust in the blood of Christ and His promises but do not put into daily practice their trust in the Authority and Power we have been given to Overcome the world of flesh and fear? Have never really fought danger back to back in prayer with Jesus so have never really got to know Him, nor learned to sit on our Father's knee in the way that Jesus taught us to?

They will always remain in the Kingdom, that is God's promise to them. But they will also remember how they wimped out, refused to deal with sin, never struggled with demands of the flesh to be an overcomer by faith, always lived in "the real world" and not in the Kingdom. These are the Christians who are likened to the foolish virgins who never kept their lamps full of Holy Spirit, whom the bible says will be weeping and gnashing their teeth, who failed to grow and practice their faith when it mattered in this life. Yes they are saved by grace and kept in the Presence for eternity, but not with intimacy nor responsibility to reign beside our Redeemer. I believe though that they will probably be in boot camp, given another chance to grow up into loving mature sons and eventually join in the Marriage of us with our Messiah

October 23 2013 8 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Alan Reynolds Supporter
I am no scholar but I am unconvinced we will remember. God will remember but us - no so sure. What makes me think this way are Matthew 25:31-46 and Matthew 22: 23-33. The former relates to memory. (I know this can be read more holistically.) The second implies no marriage and it would be strange for us to remember good things but not marriage to a spouse. As I said, I am no scholar but these two verses came immediately to mind. Alan

October 23 2013 1 response Vote Up Share Report

Mini Judith Harding Supporter
If we do not remember our earthly lives, how would we ever grasp the depth and glory of what our Redeemer King did for us on the cross! When David's son by Bathsheba died, this prophet of God declared the child could not come to him, but he would be able to go to the child. It was obvious David took comfort from this, for he resumed eating; how would there be comfort in going to a beloved child you would not recognize?

The Millennial promises portray a thousand years of actual, in-time living on this earth. There are animals, feast days, our Messiah Redeemer-King shepherding nations with a rod of iron in an actual city, Jerusalem. It is as if God will, at last, demonstrate to perfection how this old world should be governed. And it will be historical -- that is, in time itself, for the scripture speaks of a thousand 'years' and of feast days. The earth, filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, will certainly be a busy, lively place! I wonder just what all of us will be doing for a thousand years? Surely it will be a time when those who have suffered greatly for our God, even to the point of death, will be given rulership and authority. What a world is coming.

Perhaps the Emmaus Road story highlights how social and human the interaction is, when resurrected people are involved. Our LORD, in His never-to-die resurrection body seems prepared to continue on his walk when the two mourning disciples urge Him to come in and dine. Such a natural, human scene. How His all-knowing eyes must have twinkled, how His loving face must have beamed in His joyful anticipation of the upcoming "Aha!" revelation He was about to give. He broke the bread, and disappeared from their eyes. To our Savior, it was but one sparkling moment of "the joy that was set before Him" that made Him endure the cross, despising the shame. One of countless trillions of such shared moments to come.

Yes, we will know, as we are known. "Even so, come, LORD Yeshua."

June 27 2019 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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