Can a Christian lose salvation?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Jeanetta Bass

Before we got here (to earth) we where in the Father's loins. He released my spirit placed it in a body with a soul. He knew before I did that I would love him, need him, and be a part of a great family. It was and will always his love that draws us and keep us. Is Love is the total contrast of the evil that lays awake at our door. There was a time that I was taught that it was up to me to maintain my religion or church doctrine to keep God loving me. Songs like 99 and a half want do. That sin made me unworthy to share in the Lord's Supper. But then one day I heard a voice say(no one was in the room but me sitting at the kitchen table) you r going to no the truth and the truth is going to set u free. I'm going to run the race with joy. My understanding took off and I fall more in love daily. In the good times. It's hard for me to think that a Christian have all of the amenities of knowing God, the Son, the Holy Spirit experience their love their grace and mercy and then walk away saying that it did not happen. Salvation

December 19 2013 Report

Mini W P

I have to admit I dislike the word Christian.

But before you beat me up, let me explain...

Broadly speaking the term "Christian" means one believes that Jesus - God's Son - came to Earth to live as Human, and died for our Sins. Maybe you read your Bible, maybe you go to Church, maybe you pray, maybe you tithe, maybe you sing Church Hymns, and so on.

What the word "Christian" doesn't tell us is how you live your life. What's happening on the inside. How are you outworking God's will and purposes in every facet of your life? Are you obedient to His leading? Are you laying down your rights, and taking up your Cross? Are you allowing Him to get inside you and change you, challenge your attitudes and behaviour, even when it hurts?

Jesus says those who love Him are those who obey His commands.

You either follow Messiah Jesus, His commands, and His examples or you don't. There's no ambiguity here. It's simple... but it's certainly not easy.

I think the question is an interesting one. One we've all asked ourselves several times throughout our walk. However, I'm reminded of both Paul and Peter warning believers to outwork their walk with fear and trembling before God.

Take nothing for granted. Sincerely seek God and His will. Walk humbly before Him. Practice mercy, forgiveness, and love in every way possible.

And as Jesus says, pray sincerely that you will be counted worthy amongst the redeemed.

December 20 2013 Report

Mini bobby pandaram

Maybe if we rephrase the question - I am keen to hear and be guided in this issue.
Can a person who is a Christian choose to change his belief or choose to recant?

December 20 2013 Report


Jesus spoke about hell most of the time to his Disciples;the Cliche once saved always saved never occurs in the bible.Beware Wrong beliefs lead to wrong behaviour.

December 20 2013 Report

Mini Jeanetta Bass

Wow and about most of the time He Jesus was talking to the Jews. Beware is right. Had to go the lost sheep of Israel

December 20 2013 Report

Mini Jeanetta Bass

Ezekiel Ot Major prophet Law and death. Jesus NT High Priest Grace and love. In John Jesus made this declaration and since He is King and High Priest forever. What he has said He has said and usually that means its settled. John the revelator says this in John 6:37. ALL that the Father gives Me will come to me, and the one that comes to me I (Jesus) will never cast out. Proof that the OT is only a shadow of good that has come. It's really true people He loved us that much. Christian that is. It's hard to believe that a true born again believers could after having experienced God's love and power could then treat the blood of Jesus as that of a common man. People will believe what they want till they learn different. It's easier to condemn than to praise until the later becomes a platform we chose to stand on. Will I b my brother or sister keeper. Never look at ones action as a sin, until we have looked in the mirror and perfected our own sins. Forgiven 4 life

December 21 2013 Report

Mini bobby pandaram

@jeanetta - you make a good case.

December 22 2013 Report

Mini bobby pandaram

This is the issue that I pray about. I have asked GOD for wisdom in this regard and therefore I know that HE will reveal to me through ALL of HIS word what is right and true. I thank all of you for your comments. I will be seriously looking at every response critically and I promise to go where the TRUTH leads me.

December 22 2013 Report

Mini bobby pandaram

This is the issue that I pray about. I have asked GOD for wisdom in this regard and therefore I know that HE will reveal to me through ALL of HIS word what is right and true. I thank all of you for your comments. I will be seriously looking at every response critically and I promise to go where the TRUTH leads me.

December 22 2013 Report

Mini bobby pandaram

....and I may have a whole lot of questions but the one thing that is certain.

I love my relationship with JESUS, my LORD, My Saviour, My GOD and this is not because of what kind of eternity I will get but it is because I love HIM irrespective of what the outcome is. I love GOD because of WHO HE is and not what I can get out of the relationship.

December 22 2013 Report

Mini Jeanetta Bass

Great that u have The Relationship and not A religion. Keep loving God as He is that lover that u see walking ur way from across the room and ur breathe is taken away. Ur heart start skipping beats u can hardly believe that she loves me. Brother falling in love with Jesus is the best thing that every happened to me. Mary chose the One thing. Better than all the rest. Merry CHRIST mas 24/7 New Year everyday

December 22 2013 Report

Mini David Nochella

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love
5 he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,
6 to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.
This verse from Ephesians 1 clearly states that we (believers) have been chosen by the Father before creation to be in Christ Jesus. If God chose us, can He fail? No! Jesus chose his disciples , did they fall away? No! Why ? Because can not fail. What He decrees will come to pass. To be chosen by God is forever. If you belong to God, nothing can snatch you from his hand or from the hand of Christ
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. John 10

January 24 2014 Report

Mini David Nochella

Paul's letters as well as John all speak of being " chosen" , " over-comers"' . If salvation is a Gift of God can Gods gifts be revoked? How about the verse
, " And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

January 24 2014 Report

Mini Barry Halloran

Hi. If you are genuinely saved, you cannot lose your salvation. This is God`s promise: (He doesn`t lie). So, If you`r worried; Don`t be. It`s normal to have doubts about our salvation. As your relationship, with God grows; the doubts will dissapear. Love to you...

July 08 2014 Report

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