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In Genesis 1:1, we are told that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The Bible gives no date for the creation; the only hint is that it happened "in the beginning." In Hebrew,...
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I was educated as a professional engineer; I have a lot of background in geology and the apparent geologic age of "stuff". I also was required to take quantum physics. It is actually quantum physics as I meagerly understand it that explains that the universe can be both 6,500 24-hour days old and 16.5 billion years relative to creation in geologic time. This takes a long time to explain; I'm going to be as brief as my mind will let me be, and it will be too long an answer, but hopefully worth it in the end. Secular scientists will speak of the big bang, of course; and, measurement through astronomy and astrophysics has scientifically proven an expanding universe. However, the rate at which the universe is expanding is slowing down, while the center of the big bang has not moved at all. Here's where it takes faith in Jesus AND faith in science: relativity. The Earth has been flying away from the center of the Universe since God created "the heavens and the Earth". It was originally traveling at the speed of light but immediately started slowing down. At the speed of light, time is meaningless; but, as the Earth slows down, time ON THE EARTH measured in 24-hour days is measured in decreasing billions of years from the center of the universe. So, it works out that 6 observable 24-hr days took, as an example, 16 billion years RELATIVE to the center of the universe. The "stuff" from time instantaneous, when God created the Heavens and the Earth, is geologically 16.5 billion years old; it will be so measured by scientists. BUT, in reality the first 6 days in the life from the center of the Universe would be measured as 16.5 from the center, but 6 here on Earth. Then God rested. There is a Jewish physicist named Gerard Schroeder who has written books on this subject [Genesis and the Big Bang]; these are, of course, pooh-poohed by the secular, atheist scientific community. Look him up on DuckDuckGo [the search engine for people who do not like to be followed]. Send me a private message; I'll gladly talk more about this.
This is a very good question and one that has always fascinated me. In 2 Peter 3: 6-9 Peter said- 'But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.' Taking this into consideration and considering a day to be 1,000 years, 6,000 years could then translate into 2,190,000,000 years.
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