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Who created the first Bible?


Clarify Share Report Asked September 08 2013 Mini Lovan Sherman Supporter

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Mini Jack Sternberg Supporter
The first bible the pentateuch (if that's what you're asking about) was written by Moses during the israelites wandering in the wilderness atound 1445 B.C and the rest of the bible was written by many different people.

September 08 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Melva Ennis Supporter
Amen to Mr. Rinker's answer.  Since the Bible is Holy Spirit inspired, it is God's Word.  That is all. We need to know.  By faith believe it!                

Melva Ennis

September 09 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Carla Grytdal Supporter
Moses wrote down the God inspired 10 Commandments and many other scrolls (Moses lived a LONG time!) Many additional, God inspired, scrolls were written, at different times, by different people: Joshua, Samuel, Jeremiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, and many others, along with scholars who are unknown/uncertain

These scrolls were found and studied by many, many scholars, both those of faith and non-believers. These scrolls are what makes up the Bible. 

Contrary to popular belief, The First Council of Nicaea had nothing to do with selecting which verses and gospels would be included in the Bible, and more to do with consensus on whether Christ was equal to God or inferior to God, and when to celebrate Christ's Resurrection.

The Bible was written over many hundreds of years. There is a pretty good timeline available at:

The first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts were produced in the 1380's AD by John Wycliffe, an Oxford professor, scholar, and theologian. It was written in opposition to the organized church.

John Hus, actively promoted Wycliffe’s ideas: that people should be permitted to read the Bible in their own language, and they should oppose the tyranny of the Roman church that threatened anyone possessing a non-Latin Bible with execution. Hus was burned at the stake in 1415, with Wycliffe’s manuscript Bibles used as kindling for the fire.

September 09 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Anonymous
Read 11Timothy3:16 . All  scripture is giving by the  inspiration of God---------. Read Deut29:29 . All that it is revealed to us is our own , while the Secrete things belong to God.

September 10 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Meluleki Maphosa Supporter
If I understand the question correctly, you are asking who CREATED the Bible? 
The bible is not 1 book but a colection of numerous books (66) in total. These 66 books were written by numerous writters each with his own diverse style. Some are historical records, some poetry/ music. God inspired a collection of people with different skills. 
The bottom line is that they all talk about the same thing: God created the heavens and the earth, gave it to Man to manage, Man fell into sin and lost his dominion. To reclaim Man it needed the death of God Himself. God has done that and now all Man who believe in that death and resurrection can now be saved and return to the former glory that was lost and never more to lose it. 
The books of the bible were put together in a collection called the bible by men inspired by the Holy Spirit just as the men who wrote the books of the bible. The books of the bible were written in many diverse languages, some of them very ancient, you can imagine the language that Moses spoke! To make the bible we have today, God gave special skills to some people (scholars) who have been able to translate the books to modern languages so you and me can understand. However inevitably there are distortions during the translation process hence I believe there is no perfect translation. I am yet to come accross a completely hopeless translation! 
As a last word, I dont believe inspiration by God to the writers of the bible, means God dictating to for example Moses. God would speak to Moses and Moses would understand what God was saying and then write it down in his own words. The important thing is that Moses was conveying the message that God Had sent him. 
Its owe inspiring to think that even people like Nebchardnezarr wrote portions of the Bible!
If you go to Revelation 11:3 & 4 you will read about God's 2 witnesses, the Old and New Testaments. I know that so many of us believe that the Old testament is no longer important, clearly Rev disagrees. The Old Testament is as much a witness as the new Testament. I have heard some people saying the gospel in the old testament is deifferent from the gospel in the new testament, that cannot stand the before the prophecy of Revelation. In fact to my mind that would be tantamount to saying God did not think through this thing properly and was forced to rethink when it got out of hand. 
God's word is complete in the entire bible. In fact my understanding is that God has said everything he wants to say to the human race in the bible. There has been nothing new and there will be nothing to add. 
Since the Bible was written through inspiration from God, does it not make sense to invite the Holy Spirit to make us understand what He inspired?

September 10 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Janne Jonson Supporter
There 160 writings/scriptural contributers of the Bible. The First Council of Nicaea was a council of Christian bishops convened in Nicaea in Bithynia by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. This first ecumenical council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church . The followers of Jesus had many differing perspectives from the beginning.

September 08 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Michelle Ball Supporter
The first five books of the Bible are attributed to Moses and are commonly called the Pentateuch (literally "five scrolls").

Moses lived between 1500 and 1300 BC, though he recounts events in the first eleven chapters of the Bible that occurred long before his time (such as the creation and the flood).

September 09 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Daniel Rinker Supporter
Who created the Bible?  Ultimately, GOD did!

September 09 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Gregory Tomlinson Supporter Minister, husband,father,grandfather,vet., college graduate
I know all scripture came through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. This is stated very well in many posts. 

The complete 66 book assembly was put together by the last remaining apostles and church elders before John’s death in 95 ad.

Soon after many other writings surfaced, over the next few hundred years or so different church leaders added and deleted books. Not being of spirit, the elect could not be deceived; the holy spirit would not let it happen. The church fathers rejected them, debated many things things, and settled on the current 66 books and created canonization requirements to stop heresy.

God will not allow it to be distorted, hidden or manipulated by people,with fleshly agendas. So, in a summarization I would say it’s not only inspired by God’s Holy Spirit, but kept and preserved for His glory and our redemption to guide us to God through His spirit.

January 30 2021 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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