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Revelation 21:1
ESV - 1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
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Indeed, this is an interesting question.....I would like to point out that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament types, including the Tabernacle and all the sacrifices. Much of Gold was used in that tabernacle. In fulfilling it ,what did it represent in Jesus life?
John was in the Spirit in the Lords day,when he received that revelation . If we must understand the Book of revelation, we must also be in the Spirit......Gold represents the nature of God , while Silver represents Redemption,Brass represents judgement etc.
Bro Akang...National Eye Centre, Kaduna
Moreover in Revelation 3 vs18' Jesus said , I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be ( spiritually ...Rich). how else will this be interpreted ....because I have not seen Christians receiving physical gold from God before...and moreover this passage has reference to the last Church age particularly, even though in a sense it has always had reference to all the Church ages
Having worked with my hubby who was a goldsmith, I noticed that when the gold was heated in the crucible to approximately 2000 degrees it was clear (as the impurities burned off) and you could see the bottom of the crucible through the gold. The gold was the colour of an amethyst stone at its purest. I like to think that the streets of gold in heaven will look like the purified gold in the crucible...without the extreme heat of course.