Is Israel, the "Promised Land", the same Israel of today?


Clarify Share Report Asked November 24 2013 Moi2 Ma. Bernadette Lavin Supporter

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Emilio 1992 Emo Tenorio

The one and only land that God Himself deeded to anyone, the apple of His eye, the stumbling block for all nations, God's prophetic time clock.
In world history no peoples have been driven from their home land and returned to it, Israel has done this hat trick twice as prophesied.

Consider the modern intelligentsia peace piety for a moment land for peace, how many rockets landing in their back yard would it take to adjust their position.

If the Muslims were to lay down their weapons, there would be peace.
If Israel were to lay down their weapons there would be a massacre.

Today little Israel stands alone in our darkening world, it's the moral duty of every Christian to support her no matter the cost.
He who keeps Israel neither slumbers or sleeps, and He has commanded His people to pray for and stand by her.

In the Lord's freedom...warrior on

November 24 2013 Report

Moi2 Ma. Bernadette Lavin

The reason I ask is because Israel was the first country to offer its assistance to the Philippines in the aftermath of typhoon Haiyan. In many of my posts on sites such as fb, twitter etc., I referred to it as "The Promised Land". I asked for clarification because there are many symbolic figures in the Bible and I don't want to mistakenly refer to Israel as that "Promised Land" if the word Israel was merely used figuratively. Thank you for your clarification! And yes, the Philippines continues to support Israel.

November 25 2013 Report

Data Bruce Lyon

The people who have returned to Israel are Jews who for the majority are secular, in other words are not practicing Judaism. They have returned to the land of Israel, but from God's point of view they are still considered to be "not my people"


Hos:1:10: Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.

Rom:9:26: And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.

Paul makes it plain that all those of Israel who reject Jesus as their Messiah are as branches cut of from Israel. However, those who do accept Jesus as their Messiah are grafted back into the Olive Tree - the Israel of God, ever as we Gentiles who believe in Jesus as the Messiah are grafted into the Israel of God [Rom:11], the Commonwealth of Israel [Eph:2]. At the present time there is only a small remnant of Jews in Israel who believe that Jesus is their Messiah.

It is only after Jesus returns to take his place on the throne of David in Zion, Jerusalem that the real return of the tribes of Israel will take place. Now is a time of grave danger for the Jews living in Israel today. At the end time the Beast power will overrun Israel and many, many people in Israel will die.

November 25 2013 Report

Mini Jadah Pleiter

Isn't the Temple Mount built on the site of Solomon's temple?

November 25 2013 Report

Mini Ronnie Young

There is a great flaw I using the biblical references as evidence of the promised land. Man was banned from the promised land because of his failure to follow directions. God has given the promised land to his children and that promise does not show it to be an actual physical location on the earth today but rather a place in the after life.

November 29 2013 Report

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