Why does God allow children to be born from rape?


Clarify Share Report Asked December 04 2013 Mini Margaret Collins Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Kingdom Kidd

God can make anything beautiful come from such a painful ugly place! My heart goes out to everyone who has ever gone through such a horrific ordeal. I myself have been a rape victim..as well as molestation. It's not easy to deal with after the fact.. It effected every part of me and my life! Since Iv given my life the LORD.. He has healed me. He has given me the grace to forgive the people who did what they did to me... I couldn't even talk about it before. It shouldn't of happened! That wasn't God's plan at all but we live in a sin/fallen world. Even those who commit this sin of raping are in need of a savior. We all need forgiveness. I'm no better than those who've sinned against me. That being said, we all make choices and choices have consequences. We all know sex can cause pregnancies. Just as well as you plant a seed in the ground and water it give it enough sun and it will grow. So when someone gets pregnant, it's the result of sex. Wanted or unwanted. GOD is merciful!!! He loves the sinner and the baby... CHRIST gave His Life for both! He can heal and bless that baby! That baby is no mistake to GOD! His Love covers multitudes of sin... That's why some folks get offended because His Love is Radical! Eternal! Unconditional! Amazing!! Non of us deserve it yet He shed His innocent blood for all of us who deserved hell! As gruesome as this world is.... Nothing was more gruesome then the death of the only begotten Son of GOD! God loves you!

December 05 2013 Report

Stringio Colin Wong

Thank you so much for your testimony. God has blessed you much indeed.

December 05 2013 Report

Mycontactpic Michael Sisson

Because it's not where you start, it's where you finish. I don't mean that to be trite, only simply stated. All things are possible with G-d. For an example, look at Ethel Waters...

December 05 2013 Report

Mini Kingdom Kidd

Amen!!! GLORY TO GOD!!! GOD Bless you all!!

December 05 2013 Report

Mini Kingdom Kidd

Your very welcome Colin! I'm so glad you were blessed by it... All for His Glory!!! He gives beauty for ashes!!

December 05 2013 Report

Stringio Colin Wong

Indeed. Beauty from ashes. Well said.

December 05 2013 Report

Mini Kingdom Kidd

Amen Colin! And thank you Michael for sharing that link! Wow.. Truly amazing and inspiring!!

December 05 2013 Report

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