Can a true Christian sin habitually?


Clarify Share Report Asked January 11 2014 Mini Jonathan Vollman Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Data Julian Grear

When I was in Ghana, my friends and I as executives of the church, casted demons out of human bodies. When the spirits confess, they talk about how frequently they never stop trying to ruin their targets.
Sometimes we commit a habitual sin because they cause us to do so. In this case, there are many things so tell you, but now they're are all day walkers lol

January 12 2014 Report

1494747888 Theresa Dunlap

Yes, can he remain there ? No! Regardless of the reasons for the sin, all sin is forgive able. And God is not taken by surprise, but has made provision for that persons deliverance. Can He keep sinning and enjoy that place? No! He can sin, but his heart is grieved as his need for his Savior is made more and more evident. The question isn't can a person sin ? But does he want to remain there? If he feels no godly remorse for his sin and continues to neglect his soul, God has given clear warnings and a way of escape. If he still out of his own free will reject the work of Jesus Christ for his soul, I believe judgement as experienced by Annanias and his wife and Lots wife, will be given. His word judges the thoughts and intents of the heart. Remember that He is able to keep our souls and bring us safely home. I hope this helps. The book of Hebrews I believe answers these questions. Paul stated that 'that there is pleasure in sin ' but staying in the sin without godly grief or sorrow for that sin is the key to determine if you are a child of God.

October 30 2014 Report

1494747888 Theresa Dunlap

We should always cry out to God with that same fervent heart cry of desperation when caught in the entanglements of sin and never give up on the work of the Savior to continually set us free regardless of how far we've fallen.

October 30 2014 Report

Photo Anthony Clinton

Cindy it's not necessary to show you that a true believer can lose the Holy Spirit. The passage in Romans proves that a genuine Christian who may be presently standing by faith should fear because if they become arrogant about their election and they are not going to continue in that faith they too will suffer the same judgment as the Jews that rejected Christ! They'll be cut off from God.

November 03 2014 Report

Data Danny Hickman

I hope no one ever comes along and says 'if you misinterpret scripture and teach others in error, you will lose your eternal life'. Now that would surely cause some people to take this eternal thing a little bit more serious. Who could ever be sure?

February 21 2018 Report

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