Why does God let some survive cancer and some not?


Clarify Share Report Asked May 31 2014 Mini Tricia Conley Supporter

For follow-up discussion and general commentary on the topic. Comments are sorted chronologically.

Mini Anthony Millar

If we are truly in Christ we can claim our healing according to His word! Faith is an attitude, an action. We need to stand on the verses which claim our healing, such as 'we are healed by His stripes' - according to Your Word.

We have to believe in our hearts and openly confess with our mouths that we are healed. We have to remind God what He says about our healing (which is again entirely Biblical). We need to openly say 'I am standing on Your Word, I will not fail and if I don't get healed it will be the responsibility of Your Word beneath me!' Now we know God's Word never fails and he's done everything He's going to do as regards provide healing 2000 years ago - it's up to us to claim it!

God has promised us long life in His Word and I'm positive He wants none of us to die of disease/sickness. Remember the curse of the Law? Poverty, disease and death. Remember that Christ became that curse (by hanging on a pole), therefore redeeming us, HALLELUJAH!

If we truly know who we are in Christ we'll come to understand that we're more than conquers and that Christ came not only to destroy the works of Satan but also so we could live life to the full now - FREE from poverty, disease and spiritual death. We are joint heirs NOW, in the present not in the distant future, but without claiming what we have and what we're entitled to in Christ we're left open and vulnerable to attack.

We need to start living the victory and start looking at ourselves the way God see's us, His children - oh what love and grace!

We know all disease is from the enemy (I remember reading disease is the foul offspring from Satin and sin) but the battle is won, the victory is ours through grace - all we have to do is stand on the verses of healing and make them part of our inner being.

Then go on to believe in our hearts and openly confess with our mouths (always giving thanks) that we are healed according to God's Word! Then God is truly glorified by His special creation, we receive our divine healing and Satan has no other option but to flee!

In my experience if we go to battle with Satan in our minds, in the natural he’ll beat us hands down. But if we take him on in the arena of faith, standing on God’s Word it’s a no contest! If God is on our side, who can stand against us?

June 07 2014 Report

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