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What does laying the wood in order mean?

What is the order of wood referring to as far as it being laid.  Abraham also laid the wood in order before the sacrificial act of preparing Issac.

1 Kings 18:1 - 46

AMP - 1 AFTER MANY days, the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year, saying, Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain upon the earth. 2 So Elijah went to show himself to Ahab. Now the famine was severe in Samaria.

Clarify Share Report Asked May 06 2013 Stringio Pamela Mangum Supporter

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Stringio Bruce Morgan Supporter
As part of His instructions to Moses about proper sacrifices and ceremonies, God instructed that "The sons of Aaron the priest are to put fire on the altar and arrange wood on the fire." (Leviticus 1:7)
Carrying out sacrifices in an orderly and purposeful manner was all part of showing due respect and reverence for God.
This included not just flinging down a bunch of sticks but carefully laying a foundation of wood on which to place the sacrifice to be burned.
Abraham practiced this, the Levites practiced this and Elijah practiced this when challenging the priests of Baal.

October 23 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Lane Smith Supporter
Because every single aspect of the Tabernacle, the altar, the washing laver, etc., was very specific, from the fine details of the dimensions even to the very materials to be used, I believe it follows that the 'ordering of the wood' could have been as specific as using particular types of wood from specific trees. It might have even gone as far as 'ordering the types of wood' in a specific order in a row, etc.

After all, the altar and burning of sacrifices were a spiritual, supernatural object and dynamic that sent the burned substances, or some essence of them, directly to the presence of God.

May 13 2024 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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