Why are humans more important than angels to God?


Clarify Share Report Asked October 27 2014 Mini Gary Creel Supporter

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84924d6f 9be5 4261 9e07 ab5f6a8c5842 Lena Wms

Angels are created beings, servants doing work God sends them to do. They are an army with Archangels like Michael and lesser ranking angels. Lucifer was a top ranking angel before his fall. He rebelled against God and attempted to climb higher than God, he took with him one third of the angelic population.

As for man, we must look the Hebrew and Greek Languages. Ref: e-sword.net Strong's Concordance

In Genesis, God formed man from a special kind of dust. Dust means powered, gray, ashes, dirt, mud, earth, clay, mortar, powder.

This is where I get excited. Rev 13:8 states "the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world." If you have a slain lamb, you are making a sacrifice, right? A sacrifice involves fire which produces a powered, grey, ash.

John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. This includes man!

Isaiah said "Come let us reason together" It pleased the Father to bruise Him. It was all in the Master Plan. Jesus spoke of His Father loving Him from the foundation of the world in John 17:24. Yet, the Father slew His Son? Then used the ashes to create man? This is exactly how it reads in Hebrew.

In Gen 2:7, the LORD God formed man from the dust (ashes) of the ground.
The word ground means, soil redness, country, earth, husband and it comes from a word that means ADAM, rosy in the face, to show blood. WOW! Isn't Jesus called the last ADAM? 1Cor 15:45

No other creature has this privilege, just humans. WOW

October 28 2014 Report

84924d6f 9be5 4261 9e07 ab5f6a8c5842 Lena Wms

in thinking about my comment, I would like to add something. I believe that we existed before we were created in our mother's womb. This is scriptural based on Heb 7:9,10, Levi paid tithes with Abraham while he was in the loins. If we are not alive before we are "conceived" then how was he able to do this?

The Bible also speaks of 'before the foundation of the world' and the 'ancient days' and 'days of old'. (Ps 77:5, Isa 23:7, Isa 51:9, Dan 7:9, Matt 13:35, Matt 25:34, Luk 11:50, Rev 13:8) What about Eze 28:11-19, it describes Lucifer as the covering cherub and declares he walked in the stones of fire? Stones of fire translates back to children of fire.

What about those times you walk into a strange place but you suddenly feel like you have been there before, or you meet someone and instinctively know they are a good/bad person? Some call this dejavu. I like to think of it as a remembering of back in God's loins as a "stone of fire" when I was presented with the Master Plan for my life.

I believe that Jesus was there as well, the Slain Lamb, as Rev 13:8 reveals. He could not have had a body until He was placed into the Virgin Mary.(Heb 9:26 appear once)

Since Lucifer had this beautiful body, as he walked up and down, he tormented those that were loyal to Jesus tho he was not in a body. For those that remained loyal, God predestinated, or fenced them in. Gave them extra protection against Lucifer and his army in this thing called time. (Rom 8:29,30)


October 29 2014 Report

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